
Blog/May 2015/May 22nd

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May 22nd — sorry, no devar torah this week.

Well, this week was somewhat better than last week. The weather got very hot, as a heat-wave moved through the area. We went back to work, and made a new release of our product. I don’t have cavities.

The molars on one side of my mouth have been hurting me for a few weeks, particularly if I drank anything cold. So I went to the dentist this week, and after giving me a thorough examination he said the problem is almost certainly sinus-related — probably due to all the pollen and other irritants in the air right now. He claims I don’t have a broken tooth or any cavities, so that’s good… but my teeth are still sensitive. <sigh>

We had wanted to wait a bit to make a more complete “version 1.1” release of our product 8th, but various circumstances interfered with our progress. Instead, we made another interim release, “version 1.0.5”, which has a number of fixes and improvements — to satisfy the yearnings of our customers. Now I’ll have to resume work on porting our “zemanim” application so that we can have a real application (in addition to the toy sample we released).

The weather has turned hot. It got pretty intense around here, mid 30s (C) and humid. We finally had to turn on our air-conditioners, which until now have been dormant. It looks like the upcoming week will show a resurgence in the heat wave-y weather, with temps in the upper 30s by the end of the week. Yikes! I’m ok with it cooling down again, really I am…

We’re still working through the aftermath of my sister’s passing, and would like to reiterate our thanks for everyone’s kind words and thoughts.

Coming up: shabbat followed immediately by shavuot, the Festival of the Giving of the Torah. So we’ve a long week-end ahead of us. Time to relax, reflect, and repair.

As stated, this week it’s shabbat followed immediately by shavuot. Just the three of us, and on the menu:
Lancashire hot-pot, meatballs, pan-fried tofu, some kind of potatoes, rice, roasted broccoli, vegetable soup, lasagna, green salad, kumquat chutney, teḥina, and cakes, home-made coffee ice-cream and chocolate ice-cream.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom and ḥag sameaḥ!

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