
Blog/December 2015/Dec 25th

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Dec 25th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

The eagle has landed, I repeat: the eagle has landed! Daniela and Jeremy arrived safely, late last night. B”H! So they’ll get to recover from jet-lag over shabbat, while we plan things to do over the coming week. This past week was pretty full as well!

We spent this week getting ready for the Visitation. The house was cleaned to pesaḥ standards. Favorite foods were purchased or prepared. Plans were laid. Heating systems were checked. We hope we did our duty!

Sarah has nothing new to report; she’s still going to school, doing stuff, keeping herself mostly out of trouble as far as we know. Esther’s on vacation (yeah!) and enjoying it. I’m not on vacation, but I never am… Actually, I’m on “mostly vacation” now that “the kids” are here. Gotta take advantage of their time with us!

Most of the news of the week revolves around our company and product. We made a new release of 8th which is better, faster etc. etc. I know, I sound like an ad-man, Heaven forfend! Lately we’ve been getting a lot of very positive feedback about 8th, some a bit surprising.

This week we made two contacts who are interested in working with us. I had a long phone conversation with one of them, who told me his engineering staff was “very enthusiastic” about 8th. In their words, “it’s so easy to use”! Well, we hope that we’ll have good news to report about these dealings in the next month or so.

In the meantime, we’re plugging along, trying to stay afloat. As mentioned above, we’re taking a break while “the kids” are here — so next week we’ll probably be able to tell you about our adventures. No adventures this week.

Oh me, oh my! We’ve got a full house, with Daniela and Jeremy as well as Chaim and Ariele. Lots of young’uns to feed:
baked salmon, veggie stir-fry, rice, brisket, roast chicken, radish salad, roasted vegetables, berenjena de la abuela (OMG, that’s good!), beet salad, other stuff, chocolate-chip cookies, and apple crumble.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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