
Blog/January 2016/Jan 1st

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Jan 1st (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

Happy New (secular) Year, if you’re into that sort of thing. As for us, it’s starting off as a cold and rainy year, but we had a pleasant week with Daniela, Jeremy and Sarah. We began just after shabbat by going to see the latest Star Wars movie, which all of us enjoyed.

During the week we did various things with “the kids”. One day we traveled to Haifa and visited with friends as well as checking out the Bahai Gardens. While in that region, we went to Ben Ezra HaDayag fish restaurant in Atlit (just south of Haifa), which was quite good.

Another time we went to the Israel Museum to see the Hadrian exhibit (among other things). That place is too big and has too many exhibits to see in one day, but it’s mostly well done. I personally don’t understand why they decided to have a “video art” exhibit in the same wing as Hadrian, but “different strokes” I guess.

During the week we received the layout for our new and improved web-site. We think this version looks better than the old version, and we’re hoping it will prove more attractive to potential customers. Our year-end sale was also quite successful, so now Esther and I are considering what we should do to adjust our pricing, as well as improve our marketing.

Esther came down with a cold-and-fever, which put a dent in our festivation. Most especially, it’s put a dent in our shabbat preparations. So she’s going to act as our “general” and we’ll be her lieutenants, and hopefully B”H we’ll get shabbat meals prepared without incident. Daniela is a good cook, and I’m an OK cook when I’ve got direction…

Because of my dear wife’s infirmity, I can’t spend a lot of time on the blog today. Gotta go cook!

Another full house this week. The “kids” as well as one of Daniela’s friends will be with us. We’ll keep them satisfied with:
“Asian style” pargiot, mushroom soup, roasted eggplant, roasted peppers, stuffed zucchini, chard pashtida, okra, egg salad, grated beet salad, teḥina, slow-cooked meatballs, rice, kibbe, and non-meat kibbe, and Krembo.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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