
Blog/July 2016/Jul 8th

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July 8th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

What a change 12,000 km makes! The weather in Israel was hot and dry when I left; when I arrived in Seattle the weather was cool and clear. Today it was cloudy, cold and rainy. And green, don’t forget the greenery!

I’m only in Seattle for a week, visiting with my mother and brother, and helping Mom celebrate her 90th birthday. My cousins have arranged a party for this coming Sunday, and it should be a blast.

In the meantime I’m trying to get some deals lined up, but working while on “vacation” isn’t the easiest…

Sorry, but I have to go now; much to do, and people to talk to. I’ll fill you in more next week, B”H.

This shabbat Esther is sola, and I’m in Seattle. She managed to get invited out for all her shabbat meals, while I’ll be staying with my mother and brother and trying to make:
baked salmon, broccoli quiche, oven-fried potatoes, green salad, and ḥalvah from the Holy Land.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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