
Blog/July 2016/Jul 1st

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July 1st (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

First things first: my mother is recovering nicely from her falls, B”H! Sarah was there all week and according to mom, “she was such a big help!”. So we’re happy she was there, and I’ll be there towards the end of this coming week.

Seattle folks: if you want to see me when I’m in town, just send me an email.

Esther and I had a pretty quiet week, though busy as usual. One evening we met up with one of my cousins and had dinner with her and her husband. We tried a new dairy restaurant we had heard of. The food was great, the service excellent, the ambiance was pleasant, and the price was reasonable. It was the first place we’ve been in a long time where classical music was playing live, rather than boom-box pop. Highly recommended!

As stated above, Sarah was with my mom all week in Seattle. She left on Thursday for New York where she’ll hang out with Daniela and Jeremy for a week or so. Then, B”H, she’ll be on her way back to the Land. I, in the meantime, will leave for the Exile on Wednesday and return the following Thursday. When I arrive back in the Land, my father-in-law will also be arriving, at more or less the same time! Soon thereafter to be followed by my brother-and-sister-in-law and their girls. It’s going to be an “active” summer — I just hope the weather continues in a reasonable and not blistering manner.

I busied myself with the e8th boards, and made significant progress. I was frustrated by having technical problems which I had difficulty figuring out (nothing to do with our boards, actually — just some auxiliary hardware problems). I was further frustrated by having software issues I spent an inordinate amount of time working through since my hardware partner neglected to mention some rather important details. Well, anyway, things are proceeding but there is still quite a lot of work to be done. You can also help!

Esther and I will be celebrating our 30th anniversary on Sunday. We’re still figuring out just what we want to do. As for me, I’ll be offering sincere prayers of thanks for having such a loving and forgiving wife, who is perfect in every way! And happy anniversary to Daniela and Jeremy, who stole our anniversary date…

The Israel Postal “service” has to be one of the worst in the developed world. Sarah ordered an item from a company in the Tel Aviv area. They sent the item “registered mail”. The item arrived yesterday: a mere five weeks after it was sent! We could, quite literally, have walked to Tel Aviv and back many times in that period. Truly unbelievable. Good thing it wasn’t something perishable!

The weather was pretty much normal for the season, and it’s supposed to continue in that vein at least through the beginning of the week.

This shabbat Esther and I are solo. We’ve been invited out for dinner; for the rest of the meals we’ll have:
chili con carne, rice, salatim, and fruit.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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