
Blog/April 2010/Apr 30th

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Apr 30th (See this week's devar torah)
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Hi again!

Last shabbat we had a great time with our visiting friends. Unfortunately, after they returned to their home in Raanana they found it had been burgled. They suspect it was "workers" in their building who entered through a crawl-space. Only money and some jewelery was taken; we hope the police are able to recover some of it for them.

Also, last week we mentioned Sarah's art project, and many of you responded and said how much you enjoyed her work. She asks me to tell you she appreciates all your kind words. And, she got a "98" on it -- so congrats again, Sarah!

Esther had pretty much a full-week at her new job, since she needed to learn from the woman she's replacing. It's taking her about an hour to get to work, in traffic. After a full day she's coming home tired -- welcome to my world, my love!

We're counting down the "omer" -- the period between Passover and Shavuot -- and the 33rd day (called "Lag b'Omer") is celebrated by most Jews as if it were a holiday. The main differences being that on the actual holidays we have commandments to fulfill, and Lag b'Omer has no such thing; on the holidays we are not normally burning bonfires, but on Lag b'Omer for some reason, bonfires sprout up everywhere. I heartily dislike this "holiday", not only because of the wanton destruction of anything flammable, but because as a result the air becomes unhealthily unbreathable for many hours. Anyway, we've been invited to a friend's place after shabbat (since Lag b'Omer starts Sunday -- which, you will recall, means Saturday night for us of the Mosaic persuasion).

I spent some time this morning cleaning up our various shrubberies. The roses have been cut way back (much to my daughter's alarm), and I made a dent in the weeds and other undergrowth in the garden. And it started raining while I was doing this -- not a Seattle rain, but a sort of a half-hearted threat of rain. Enough to wet the ground, but not enough to prevent my lighting the barbecue to prepare shabbat chicken. The rain is supposed to continue, on and off, through Sunday.

Odds and ends:

This week we're alone, just the nukular family. On the menu: barbecued chicken, salatim, baked potatoes, green beans, cauliflower, meatballs and Sarah's chocolate chip cookies

Until next week,
Shabbat shalom !

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