
Blog/April 2020/Apr 17th

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April 17th Comments or questions? Click here!

This week saw the end of the Passover holiday. I think it will go on record as the most peculiar pesaḥ in our lifetimes — at least, I hope it will! We had a very (!) quiet yom-ṭov, as you might expect. Good food, pleasant weather, fine wine. I guess there’s not much one can complain about, really.

Our fearless leaders were still unable to reach an agreement as of Thursday, so President Rivlin gave the mandate to form a government to the Knesset. If they don’t agree on a government within 21 days, we’ll have our fourth (4th) elections in a row, within an 18 month period. We’re in uncharted territory, folks!

According to a journalist I follow, Gantz got “played” by Netanyahu. Of course he did: the man has no political savvy whatsoever, he doesn’t have any strategic plan, his goal is just “get rid of Bibi”. While that last has appealed to a large portion of the electorate these past three goes-round, the latest polls seem to show that support for Bibi has grown to where a fourth election will serve him well (if, that is, the polls of today are even close to what public opinion will be by August 4th).

And… it’s not clear how we’ll be voting on 04 AUG, if we’re still restricted from leaving our abodes. I’m hoping our fearless leaders are going to drop the draconian restrictions and at least let people who aren’t at high risk re-engage somewhat in normal life again. But who knows?

Things Of Note:

The brutal reality highlighted by COVID-19 has given me pause and made me give more serious thought to “business continuity planning”. I’ve got so many systems I manage, so many passwords; no one will be able to access any of my systems in the event I’m disabled. So I’m working on how to deal with that eventuality. If anyone has ideas on how best to deal with this sort of thing, let me know!

The promised rain did not materialize. I’m hoping the promised heat-wave will also fail to materialize! At the moment it’s quite nice outside, though overcast. The heat-wave has been stretched-out to only occur mid-next-week. We can hope.

This week’s shabbat meal is partially leftovers from second yom-ṭov, with additions:
store-bought pita (no yeast was available for home-grown anything), mushroom soup, stuffed vegetables, baked salmon, various salatim, and banana cake.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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