
Blog/August 2014/Aug 1st

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August 1st (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

Hi, again!

I guess there’s no escaping talking about “the situation” some more; don’t blame me, I’d rather talk about other things! So I will talk about other things…

Like for example: we just completed our seventh year of aliyah (according to the secular calendar - we have a bit more for the Hebrew date). It doesn’t seem like it’s been that long, but on the other hand, it seems like we’ve been here forever. We are blessed to be here.

Or for example: Esther and Sarah will be going on a trip to Argentina starting next week, and Daniela and Jeremy will be joining them there. In honor of my father-in-law’s seventieth birthday, may he have many more! Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine, all alone…

But “the situation” has front-page priority here in the Land. Not so much the fighting in Gaza per se, though obviously that is always in the news, but the way events are unfolding in the world around us.

For example: another UNRWA school was found storing rockets. For the third time. Does anyone believe the UN is a neutral party any more?

For example: proof that Hamas doesn’t fire from civilian areas. Yep, better run, little reporter dude!

For example: the simple-minded and the completely evil in US politics. What’s happening over there?

For example: the ever-increasing anti-Semitism in Europe — but not only in Europe.

It is time: long-past time, in fact, for all you Jews in the diaspora to come home. Here in the Land, where you belong — not in the Exile where your ancestors were sent as a punishment. No matter how comfortable you are right this moment “over there”, remember you are a stranger in a strange land, and the natives do not love you even if they are polite and urbane.

Right. I realize it’s the “nine days” leading up to the 9th of Av, but if I continue in this vein I’ll get depressed, and that’s forbidden on shabbat. So:

The flip-side of “the situation” is that in common with the story of Esther the Queen, “the (situation) was reversed”. Ḥamas have tried to make us cower in terror; instead, they’ve strengthened our resolve. They’ve tried to drive a wedge between the various factions in our body-politic; instead, the Israeli public is united to an extent rarely seen. The foreign meddlers have tried to play us against our neighbors; instead, Egypt is almost completely aligned with us. We are seeing miracles and wonders every day.

In our very-local news: I unleashed our employee on our product, asking her to expand the self-tests so they were comprehensive. So far, she’s helped locate a number of bugs, and helped eliminate redundant or obsolete functionality. Very, very helpful and encouraging!

And Esther and I have put even more work into the web-site, and even if I say so myself, it’s looking pretty good. Soon. Soon, we’ll be showing things off, so just have a wee bit more patience! The film we’re having done is getting off to a good start, and we hope it will be ready in the time-frame we want.

As for shabbat: this week we’re eating out for one of the meals, and it’s just the three of us. So we’re going light:
kebabs and veggie schnitzels, green beans, roasted vegetables, roasted eggplant with ṭeḥina, parve cholent, and lots of love™

Until next week,
shabbat shalom!

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