
Blog/December 2008/Dec 19th

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December 19th (See this week's devar torah)
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Hi again!

Last week I said, it was even crazier this week than last week, and I'm out of time again. Here are a few highlights, which I'll expand on B"H next week. Well, little did I know it would be even crazier this week.

At least I was able to write a devar torah this week. What else? We had a bad leak in the main water shut-off valve at the front of the house. So my friend explained how to fix it (by "packing the valve"); and for 8 shekels (~2dollars) I got enough material to pack every valve in Maale Adummim.

Also fixed my daughters tris (sliding window shutters), which was something I'd never done before.

We took our visiting friends to gush etsion, and saw the "Road of the Patriarchs", which had a very interesting roadside mikveh dating from the Second Temple period. People on their way to Jerusalem would stop there to ritually purify themselves before going to the Temple in Jerusalem.

Afterwards we went to a winery/nice restaurant there, and came back with some wine. We'll let you know next week how the wine was. Oh, and we went to a store there and bought something but forgot it in the store. As we were eating at the restaurant, the salesman rushed over from the store, to find us and give us our bag of goods!

Anyway, I am rushing yet again. Talk to you soon...

Until next week,
Shabbat shalom!

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