
Blog/December 2009/Dec 4th

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Dec 4th (See this week's devar torah)
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Hi again!

Happy birthday to my sister! It's her ... well, I won't tell, exactly. I'm three years older than her. Her current age divided by nine is exactly one tenth what my age will be in two years. There, I let out the secret!

Before I go on, here's a gift for all my left-wing friends: an Obama Chia-pet. No, really, it's not a parody. Apparently it's supposed to be an honor to be made into a chia-pet. What will they think of next? I suppose after the Nobel Peace Prize, anything would look a little silly.

Esther caught a cold (maybe the flu), so she's out of commission. This makes Sarah and I the primary shabbat chefs ... oy! I made a simple menu, heavy on the soups. But we forgot dessert; we'll have to rough it without one this week. Unfortunately, we also had to cancel our guests this week.

Work was a bear this week. Too many bosses, issuing conflicting requests. However, my nominal boss was really happy with something I did to make his life easier, so that's one good thing. We also got an additional office, and they re-carpeted and re-painted the office (new and old), making it difficult to breathe.

We found one of these green toads outside in our yard yesterday. Sarah wants to make it her pet ... I told her that it stays outside and she can visit it whenever she wants. We wonder where it gets enough moisture to live from, though ... this is the desert, after all.

Sorry I don't really have much of interest to tell you this week; I'm very tired and looking forward to a quiet shabbat with my ladies.

Until next week,
Shabbat shalom!

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