
Blog/December 2011/Dec 2nd

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Dec 2nd (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

Hi, again!

What a bus-y week! We travelled by bus to the airport, we travelled by bus to Beit Shemesh. I took all sorts of new bus lines in an effort to find the best way home. B"H, we had a bus-y week. Finally though, we received our new car -- just in time to let it sit quiet over shabbat!

Sarah returned (B"H!) from her whirlwind tour of the Exile. We "picked her up" from the airport, so to speak. We took a bus to the airport, and arrived exactly as she got out of customs. Then we took a sherut back from the airport. It would have cost the same to take a regular taxi, just about; and we wouldn't have had to share the ride with a woman who kept vomiting into a sack, and her screaming children. But I digress...

A long-time friend of mine threw a party for his son's becoming bar-mitsva, so we travelled (again, by bus) to Beit Shemesh. It was actually not such a bad bus ride, but other long-time friends of mine had driven there -- so we hitched a ride back to Jerusalem with them, then bussed back to our humble home. The party was enjoyable since I got to re-acquaint myself with old friends, as well as meet new people. But Esther was bewildered since I didn't (as is my usual practice) tell her "let's go" after an hour and half.

The new job is working out well, so far. Less stressful, a better work environment, more interesting work and closer to home. However, because Jerusalem traffic is pretty bad, I've been working on alternative paths to get home. Finally, I think I've found the best solution: take the light-rail up to giv`at hataḥmoshet, and then pick up any of several buses which go to Maale Adummim. My last attempt got me home in 40 minutes, 30 of which were on the public-transportation.

I don't have a lot more to say this week, and I have to finish up my portion of the menu (the beanly items), so I'll sign off now.

This week we've got some of my cousins staying for shabbat. They and we will enjoy: baked chicken, schnitzel, roasted vegetables, chicken soup, ḥumus, ful medames, cabbage salad, pea salad, cholent, rice, baba ghanoush, chocolate pie

Until next week,
shabbat shalom!

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