
Blog/December 2013/Dec 13th

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Dec 13th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

Hi, again!

Last week I asked the rain to return, and it did, with a vengeance! Not only rain, but snow graced the higher peaks of the central mountain range here in the Land — which in turn caused people to panic, the city of Jerusalem to shut down, and the electricity to go out at times. The storm system came from our good friends to the north, the Russians; and we’ve seen record or near record rainfalls in the past couple days. It’s been an unusual winter storm for us!

I’ll make this a short blog, since we anticipate the power cutting out again and we’ve lots to do to prepare for shabbat:

Sarah’s birthday was this (entire) week, but she was sick with a cold and sinus infection, and that didn’t put her in a festive mood. That, coupled with the storm which upset her plans to meet with friends, has not made this her most favorite birthday ever. Though it may be one of the more memorable.

Esther’s got a friend (and her daughter) staying with us on their “pilot trip” to find out more about making aliyah. So we’ve been answering questions and trying to be helpful. The friend will be here for the next week.

I made the first beta-test release of 8th, and am already working on some bug-fixes and improvements. Our business-consultant gave us back the final version of our business plan, but neither Esther nor I have looked at it yet… we really must get to that soon.

We’ve got enough guests this week, B”H! Esther’s friend and her daughter are staying with us. My ḥevruta and his daughter will join us for lunch. Other friends from around the corner will join us for dinner. On the menu this week:
barley soup, baked chicken, potatoes, meatball cholent, salatim, probably other stuff, as usual, what we actually end up with rarely matches this list, just so you know, schnitzel, and birthday cake.

Until next week,
shabbat shalom!

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