
Blog/December 2014/Dec 26th

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December 26th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

Hi, again!

I suppose I shouldn’t repeat myself every week, saying “it was a busy week”. But it was, nevertheless!

I started off the week by attending a meeting of “programmers in Jerusalem”, the first meeting of this particular group. Esther told me I should go, to try and do some “networking”. So I went, and a couple dozen other programmers or otherwise technical people were there. Two people gave short presentations and then we had a “introduce yourself” round. It was gratifying to see the reactions people had when I introduced myself and 8th. Several people asked technical questions, and I gained a few insights regarding how it might be accepted in the market. All in all, it was a worthwhile event.

In other 8th news: we’ve been pushing hard to finish off open issues for the “RC” (release candidate) version. Sometime next week we hope to make that release, then it will be another week or so before we do the final 1.0 release. For some reason, this past week a couple of my beta-testers gave me a bunch of feedback on the documentation… which is a good thing, though I wish the feedback had come a little earlier in the process.

In further news, our consultants are actively trying to hook us up with potential clients, and so we’re going to be having introductory meetings over the next several weeks. So if you thought I was going to be able to say, “not much happened this week” — well, not any time soon, I think. That’s also a good thing, but I could use a break…

What else? Not much to tell you about Sarah; she’s been doing her thing quietly. Daniela has been on break from school and enjoying it enormously. Dinah was on vacation with her family and has just returned. Esther has depleted the local stores’ stock of yarn. She also has an interview coming up for a part-time accounting job which one of her former co-workers suggested to her.

Random news tidbits from the past week:

The weather has been pretty pleasant overall this past week. We had a bit of rain, and a fair number of cold but sunny days. The forecast is for the slight cooling trend to continue, and to remain mostly sunny. We’re looking forward to a somewhat less quiet shabbat than last week, but pleasant nonetheless.

Dinah has returned! So there’ll be four hungry people around the table this week. On the menu:
braised turkey legs, roasted vegetables, pashtida, rice, salatim, egg salad, lentil soup, tuna salad, and marble-cake.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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