
Blog/December 2017/Dec 29th

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December 29th

This week: no detours. But next week? Who knows!?!

We had a pretty good week. Our sale has been productive, and so have we. I continued working on my ARM blog post, but haven’t finished it yet. Next week, probably. Esther’s continuing to work as always, and I’m working on working.

Some things:

A recent survey found that nearly half of “millenials” prefer socialism to capitalism. That, of course, is at least partly a result of the educational system’s Leftist leanings. I wonder: how many millennials would like to move to Venezuela today? Apparently despite all evidence that socialism and communism are vile systems (which have directly murdered almost 100 million people to date — far more than the despised Nazis), many millennials would still prefer them over the freedom to fail or succeed on your own. I despair of the human race.

But I don’t despair of achieving nirvana! In my ongoing search for baking perfection, I made a “Jewish sour-rye”. It was really good; but I hope to perfect my technique over the coming weeks. The recipe: 1.5C sourdough starter, 2C bread flour, 1.5t salt, 0.25C warm water, 1.5t yeast, 1T caraway seeds. Mix and let sit 15 minutes. Knead until silky, then shape into a loaf and let rise until doubled (about 2hr). Slash the loaf and bake at 190C (375F) until done, about 40 minutes. Use steam in the oven to get a nice crust.

Next time I’ll increase the yeast to 2t so it has a bit more rise. Note that there is no oil, egg, or sugar in the dough, so it’s health-nut- and vegan-friendly even if I’m not!

This shabbat it’s just me and the missus. We’ll enjoy:
homemade ḥalla, meatballs, grilled chicken-breast, rice, various salatim, and soy-chocolate pudding.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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