
Blog/December 2019/Dec 27th

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December 27th Comments or questions? Click here!

It’s been Hanukkah all week, so we’ve been trying to take it a bit easy.

There’s a triple-header shabbat this week: it’s also still Hanukka, and in addition its the start of the month of Tevet. I was curious how often that happens, so I wrote a small script in 8th to figure that out. Turns out, it’s quite common!

The drama of the week happened when I dropped my phone in the toilet. It was an accident, OK?

I carefully cleaned and dried it, hoping that (as with similar mishaps in the past) it would recover and be none the worse for wear. By the third day, my hopes had been dashed: my trusty phone turned on, but the screen was non-responsive. I didn’t want to buy a new phone, but I also didn’t want to spend a fortune fixing this one.

In the end, I went to a local repair-guy, in our local mall. For only 140 ILS (about $40) he cleaned, diagnosed, and repaired the phone. He had to solder new contacts for the screen connector, since apparently our toilet water was corrosive. In the end, the phone was restored and all’s well once again!

Moral(s) of the story: (1) don’t bend over an open toilet with your phone in a shirt-pocket; (2) make sure you have another phone handy as a backup device; (3) sometimes it’s preferable to repair than to replace.


  • “Amnesty International” exposed for their obsessive anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli hatred.
  • In other sad news, “Vox” lays off hundreds of employees because of California labor laws. I just can’t keep smiling about this.
  • Just what does your car know about you? It’s a lot more than you might think.
  • I’m a bit jealous: this guy created a business card that runs Linux.
  • A “Star Wars” spoiler-generator.

The Likud held elections yesterday to determine who would lead the party, now that Netanyahu’s been indicted. Unsurprisingly, perhaps: Netanyahu handily beat his opponent and will continue to lead Likud. That probably also means that in the upcoming third round of general elections, we’ll once again be at an impasse.

I vote for dueling pistols at ten paces.

After a cold week, we got a big dusty windstorm followed by rain. The extreme wind battered my entrance gate and broke off the bit I’d riveted on to keep it from banging shut. The rain is letting up for now, after nearly an entire day. It’s supposed to come back from time to time over shabbat.

This shabbat/Hanukka/Hodesh we will dine on:
homemade pitot, sweet-potato soup, lemony chicken thighs, sticky chicken wings, roasted acorn squash, onion tart, various salatim, and bar cookies.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom, Hanukka sameaH, and Hodesh Tov!

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