
Blog/December 2021/Dec 3rd

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Mom update 2.0: I brought her home on Sunday, but then she ended up back in the hospital.

Not, you might have thought, because of her foot; rather, because she was vomiting all night on Monday. So Tuesday, I took her to the urgent-care, which was helpfully closed. We then went to the ER at the closest hospital, where we spent the day while she was tested, prodded, poked, and otherwise made to undergo various indignities.

They admitted her, and she’s been there all week while they try to resolve her specific problem without resorting to surgical intervention. Unfortunately, as of Thursday afternoon it seems the hope of avoiding surgery is slim.

Because of this, I didn’t accomplish much this week but transporting Mom to, and accompanying her in, her luxurious 1950’s Socialist-style hospital room. I do wonder why this branch of the hospital hasn’t updated their decor since 1950. That’s not to say the care is sub-standard or anything (quite the opposite, in fact), but the rooms are definitely underwhelming.

Of things and other things:

While it’s true I didn’t accomplish much this week, I did nonetheless make a new release of 8th. Other work, however, was on hold.

Esther has been enjoying the Argentine vibe, hanging out with her family and [more extended] family. She’s halfway through her allotted time there, and I’m looking forward to her return to the Land with bated breath.

Last week redux: since I won’t be at home most of Friday, I’m writing this on Thursday night while preparing the shabbat food. I also have imposed on friends for one meal. It’s good to have that option, 2.0!

My menu this shabbat is even more profoundly lazy than last week’s:
homemade sourdough focaccia from the freezer, chicken ‘n wheat, various purchased salatim, and lemon sorbet.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom and ḥodesh ṭov!

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