
Blog/February 2013/Feb 1st

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Feb 1st (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

Hi, again!

More cold and wet weather this week, making it the wettest winter Israel's had in twenty years -- and the winter's not over yet! That, combined with Israel's increasing use of desalination as a source of fresh water means that, essentially, Israel's drought problems are over. We still have to be sensible in our water use, but now water is no longer in critically short supply. B"H!

Before I continue, I should mention that Sarah and I did a magnificent job of preparing shabbat last week! There were almost no leftovers, and nobody got sick from our food!

We've seen little of Sarah this week. She's been working on her "final projects" for this semester, putting in very long hours. As she put it yesterday, "nine hours of work for one minute of film". We look forward to "screening" the works she's put together soon.

Daniela and Jeremy are trying to make plans to come here for Pesaḥ, and we are trying to encourage them to make the final decision very quickly. Unfortunately, the holidays are always high travel season, so the seats are scarce -- we hope we can get this "sewn up" by next shabbat.

Esther and I attended the wedding of one of my cousins, on the other side of Jerusalem. mazal tov! These are cousins on my father's father's side. My other cousins (also on the other side of Jerusalem) are on my father's mother's side. Apparently I also have a cousin on my mother's mother's side in Jerusalem, but she's proven resistant to establishing any contact. Oh, well...

This week's sick list includes: (1) my mother, who has a very painful bursitis in her leg, (2) my wife, whose wrists are still recovering but are still bothering her and (3) me, whose stupid knee has been flaring up in anger. I'm sure there are plenty of others I could list, but this is the "immediate" list. I'm looking forward to being horizontal most of shabbat!

I wonder if the results of the recent Israeli election would have been significantly different had this information about Lapid been made more widely available before the election? Surely this was all known to the Likud, but they chose to attack the "Bayit Yehudi" and ended up pushing people over to Lapid's party. Now there's a strong chance this illiterate buffoon could end up being Prime Minister. Well, at least he's photogenic.

And our friends in Egypt, our peace-partners, keep saying wonderful things about our ancestry. Apes and pigs! And it turns out the British are no better, though that's not a surprise to me. I do find it quite ironic that the first being Iran sent into space was a monkey. Why they put a "Jew" into space instead of a proud Iranian is a quandary. Once again, we Jews control everything, even the Iranian space program!

Esther's main duty this week was to keep from injuring herself further. Sarah, as I mentioned, was sequestered at school working on her projects. I was busy at work, trying to figure out how to fix various and sundry bugs in our product. Overall, I was successful, but there are plenty of other bugs to take the place of the ones I killed off. As usual. My personal projects are proceeding apace, that pace being quite slow ... but at least the direction is forward!

This shabbat we are taking it easier than we did last week. Only one guest (as you might imagine, one of Sarah's friends); and we'll be eating at a friend's place for dinner. We'll prepare: traditional cholent, Israeli salad, potato salad, red rice pilaf, tuna salad, hard-boiled eggs, oatmeal-chocolate-chip cookies, and pomegranate sorbet.

Until next week,
shabbat shalom!

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