
Blog/February 2017/Feb 17th

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February 17th

Another fun-filled, action-packed week! We basically just worked our hineys off. That’s it. The weather was far below average: 10C below average at times. It rained a lot, even here on the edge of the Judaean Desert. To illustrate that fact, I offer up to you, a new

Jew Haiku:

Cold “Ascent of Red”
wet, frost, dark
Laundry has to wait

We did manage to do a couple small loads of laundry, small enough to hang inside. But because it’s been so cold, and we don’t unnecessarily heat rooms we’re not in, the laundry takes a while to dry. We’re planning on getting a clothes-dryer when we hit it big, one day…

My simultaneous clients have been taking all my time, which is a good thing overall. The “new” client we were working on acquiring seems to have disappeared. We’re thinking they must be holding a raffle or a bingo party to raise the development funds. Not to worry, I don’t have time for them right now anyway!

<geek alert>
So I just have to say once again (do you really have to? ed.) how much I love the Vim editor! Nothing else comes close when you have to make complex bulk-changes to text. It does help that I’ve been using it for… what, like 20 years now? Yeah, it takes getting used-to. A lot of getting used-to. But once you are comfortable with it, it’s like having every power-tool known to man available at your fingertips.
</geek alert>

The world situation is much as it was last week. Our PM, the occasionally Honourable Binyamin Netanyahu, met with President Trump. The honeymoon seems to have gotten off to a mixed start, with Bibi waxing emotionally enthusiastic over Trump’s love of the Jewish people, while Trump appeared to backpedal on some of his more pro-Israel campaign statements. I am troubled by Bibi’s fawning, and Trump’s insistence on serving up “really a great peace deal”. I’m not sure how many more peace-deals — really great or otherwise — we can survive. And it’s not at all clear that Trump will be able to be very effective. The press and the Left are gunning for him at full speed.

Here’s Moshe Feiglin’s response to the Netanyahu/Trump press conference. Read his short statement of the Zehut party’s plan for a “one-state solution”. I think it’s the only workable plan, and the only just plan I’ve heard so far. This, as well as the libertarian (as in “personal liberty” and “freedom from coercion” — something in serious danger in the USA) and other policies of Zehut are why I’ve pretty much decided to support them in the next elections in Israel. Maybe even before that.

Daniela and Jeremy are on vacation (again? ed.) in England. They’re going to be there for just under a week. Ironically, it’s been warmer there than here. We hope they’re having a great time!

The weather will continue to be colder than average, though not as extreme as this past week. We’ll have sun, but not a particularly warm sun, for the next few days. Then we may have a return of a bit of rain — and still below seasonal temperature averages.

This shabbat it’s just the three of us. We’ll serve up:
homemade ḥalla, hot vegetable soup!, meatballs, grilled chicken breast, zucchini pashtida, various other stuff, various salatim, and brownies.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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