
Blog/February 2017/Feb 3rd

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February 3rd

This week I decided it was necessary to do laundry. Those of you who have followed our blog know that we have non-exclusive use of a high-tech solar-powered clothes dryer — the sun. So I was not expecting the torrential rain which gave my newly hung clothes a power-wash! Fortunately, the rain subsided, the sun re-appeared eventually, and the clothes did dry. Next time: check the forecast first!

I’ll refrain from political commentary this week. It’s just too exhausting to deal with the overwrought lunacy which has overtaken the USAn political scene. Israeli political craziness is tame by comparison, believe it or not.

Sarah continued selling books; Esther continued tax accounting. I continued writing software. I’ve been really busy with existing clients and with working on acquiring new ones. I’m completely wiped-out right now, and looking forward to shabbat rest!

I attended Cybertech 2017 this week, in Tel Aviv. Esther drove me there; she continued on to do some errands (picking up gifts from Argentina). I was hoping to expand my contacts further, and perhaps to find some technology I could use for a (potential) new client’s project. I did accomplish the first, but I couldn’t find anything particularly appropriate for the second. Such is life. The exhibition was extremely crowded, with vendors from all over Israel and around the world. On the way out, I was accosted by a Japanese lady who offered me sake (“It’s kosher!”, she said). I demurred, but took the information she was handing out.

At one point during the week I decided to prepare an “eggplant ‘parmesan’”. To highlight my culinary skills, I used a “mandoline”. Improperly. I sliced a fair bit of skin off the end of my thumb as a result. My left thumb, which is a problem since I’m left-handed. Anyway, it’s still sensitive but at least I learned my lesson, which is: let Esther do the cooking!

It looks like the weather will be sunny and cold, but seasonable. So that’s something to look forward to.

Next week I’ll try to give you more content…

This shabbat we’ll be joined by Dinah! We’ll serve up:
homemade ḥalla, baked chicken, veggie soup, veggie stuffed veggies, root-vegetable stew, various salatim, and black-currant muffins.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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