
Blog/January 2009/Jan 2nd

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January 2nd (See this week's devar torah)
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Hi again!

Unless you've been hiding in a bunker, you've probably heard about the war heating up.

This past shabbat we heard a lot of airplane traffic overhead -- something we are not used to on any day, and especially not on shabbat. I thought it sounded like trucks rumbling along, but Esther said no, they're airplanes. After shabbat we found out that Israel had finally responded to the more than 10,000 missiles (Qassam, Grad and mortars) fired from Gaza over the past seven years, with the beginning salvo of an attack against Hamasistan.

The UN, the Vatican, Venezuela as well as Iran all jumped right in and told us to desist from engaging in any disproportionate action. You know what? They're right. We should give one missile for every one they've thrown our way over the past seven years. Can we help it if our aim is better than theirs? I'm all in favor of excessive force.

Where was the hand-wringing of the international community for the past seven years, while the residents of Sderot had to contend with incessant missile fire? My message to the UN: go get stuffed and leave us alone. The vast majority of the missiles from Gaza came after Israel unilaterally withdrew all its forces and uprooted thousands of its citizens because our lunatic leaders said it would bring peace. Even now, the criminally insane Leftists are telling us how we could have peace if we just left Hamas alone. Wait ... we tried that, remember? It didn't work before, it won't work now. Screw peace! -- we need to heed the words of King David and continue pounding our enemies until they are dust beneath our heels. Then we will have peace, not before.

In the meantime, our Home Front office issued special instructions for those living in the southern communities currently affected. Hamas is actively preventing the injured from receiving treatment in Egypt A suicide bomber in Mosul blew himself up in the middle of an anti-Israel rally. Guess his aim was off...

While there are some reasonable Arab voices, we have to deal with the kinds of animals who would perpetrate the atrocities in Mumbai. And we maintain ridiculous levels of compassion towards our enemies despite the compassion being only one-way.

Just as the Torah tells us we would, we are being afflicted by a non-people, a fiction whose purpose is only to destroy. May the Almighty erase them soon from the pages of history! Or at least relocate them to Jordan or Antarctica or something.

In other news, the global economy has hit everyone hard; but you should be glad you're not in Iceland. Just remember to look on the bright side of life ... as we say here in the Holy Land, yihyeh beseder!

The weather has turned quite cold (down to just above freezing at night, this week). We've had rain even here in the Judean Desert, but we need a lot more rain. Yesterday I got a tax refund slip from the mas hachnasah, the Israeli IRS. I was so excited, I FAXed the slip to my company's CPA -- who informed me the slip was not in my name! I looked at it, and indeed -- the amount is correct, the company is correct, but the name and ID number belong to some Arab in Hevron -- oy vay! As it turns out, they put our company's ID number instead of my ID number, and it happens to be a real person's ID number as well. I guess I get to stand in line next week to fix it.

Until next week,
Shabbat shalom!

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