
Blog/January 2014/Jan 10th

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January 10tha timely, if older, devar torah

Hi, again!

This week was only somewhat frenetic. Esther continued her knitting-spree. Sarah continued her filming. I worked my hiney off. Jeremy’s sister stayed with us. It was an active week.

I returned for another set of treatments, both chiropractic and acupuncture. This time I tried an experiment. I’ve had a painful shoulder for quite a while (probably bursitis). I asked the needle-lady if she could help that, and she said, “sure”. So that part of me got acupuncture treatment (I still got the other treatments on the rest of me). As happened last week, I was very tired after the treatments and slept well. The next morning, I was quite surprised to find that my shoulder felt quite a bit better! So this coming week I’ll see if there is further improvement after the next treatment. This is very interesting…

Because I turned a deck-of-cards old this week, Esther prepared me a lovely dinner with a birthday-cake. My nephew and Jeremy’s sister were also there, making it a pleasant family event.

At work we spent the entire time gearing-up for an official “speed test” of the software. That is, we were trying to make our software run as quickly as possible before giving it to a third-party for a set of official tests (which could be used for marketing purposes). After much tearing of hair and mind-numbing sessions, we reached our goals; and the Powers That Be are very happy.

As far as our own company goes, we had our “final meeting” with our business consultant. Final “free meeting”, that is. We didn’t know what to expect, but were very much surprised when he told us that he thought our business had very good potential, and that he was interested in helping us present to investors. He also said he was interested in continuing to work with us. In order to help us get investment capital, he required we bring on-board a professional business executive who would help us strictly from a business planning aspect. So we are now looking to bring on such a person — we’ve already asked someone we know and trust, and we’ll see how it develops from there. This is a big “step-up” for us, and it’s both exciting and stressful.

In further news from Aaron High-Tech: I released the “second beta version” of 8th to my beta-testers. Now I’m working hard to get it ready for the “RC” (release-candidate), which means a version with all features locked-down and working, and only incidental issues to clean up. Then there’s the GUI (graphical interface) version to work out, and I still have to figure out if Apple will let me market this product for iPad and iPhone devices…

What else? Here’s a few tidbits for you:

Blessed silence! It will be just Esther and me this shabbat, since Sarah will be away at a friend’s place. However, we do have my ḥevruta and his family over for dinner. We’re going to spice things up:
orange soup, pitot, Tunisian baked fish, baked chicken with potatoes and yams, various salatim, spicy vegetable curry, rice, marble cake and a variety of cookies.

Until next week,
shabbat shalom!

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