
Blog/January 2016/Jan 15th

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Jan 15th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

It was (another) busy week. The weather was mostly cool and pleasant, with a bit of rain towards the end. There was filming and coding and knitting, oh my!

One of Sarah’s projects for school is a documentary film about her cousin Chaim. So she attended a football (American football) game he was in this week and filmed a good portion of it. He played a good game, by all accounts. We’re all curious to see how the documentary will turn out when she’s finished — it’s bound to be interesting!

Continuing the story from last week, we had another conversation this week with the company which is interested in working with us. We discussed more particulars, and reached an agreement in-principle. Now we’re waiting for the draft contract from them. In the meantime, we researched attorneys in Israel who deal with international contract law, and will be meeting with one at the beginning of this coming week. Perhaps we’ll have something more to tell you next week!

There’s been a lot of activity around our 8th product! Based on feedback from one particularly active user, I spent some time this week enhancing the cryptographic support. I also spent a lot of time improving our “html” control (which displays simple “web-pages” for documentation etc. purposes), as well as making other improvements and fixes. So I’ve been a very busy fellow. Next week I plan on making another release.

Esther returned to work this week. It was difficult for her to transition back to the commute-and-work grind, but she did it. Amazingly, she still has the energy and time to produce a prodigious amount of knitted materials. We’ll need a warehouse soon…

Various and sundry:

Medical update: the doctor switched me to a different medication, which so far hasn’t elicited side-effects. So far, so good…

We’re looking forward to a cool, clear, and calm shabbat. We hope yours is, as well!

Sarah’s friend RivQua will be joining us this shabbat. On the menu:
cauliflower soup, carrot salad, Israeli salad, roasted eggplant halves, roasted chicken, spinach bourekas, roasted beets, roasted butternut squash, cauliflower kugel, veggie chili, rice, and rugelach.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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