
Blog/January 2018/Jan 26th

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January 26th

Since this is, after all, our “aliyah blog”, it make sense to officially tell my loyal readers that my mother is making aliyah, and will be living with us, very soon!

Esther and I had been trying for a long time to convince mom to make that move, though we never expected to be successful. She and my brother had a very comfortable symbiotic relationship, and she had grown to rely on him for many things. But since he passed away, mom’s been confronted with the difficult reality that living alone isn’t healthy for an older person. So we were shocked when she told us that she had decided that moving in with us was the right thing for her to do.

Thus was the whirlwind unleashed.

We had told mom that should she decide to make aliyah, I would drop everything and fly out to help her with all the preparations. So I did, and that’s why I’m in Seattle now, counting down to our final departure to NYC and then to Israel.

The amount of work Esther and I have done to make it all happen in a very short time-frame is a bit frightening, to be honest.

Esther’s been preparing our home so that mom can be on the ground-floor. We’re making a concerted effort to try to make the house as comfortable for her as we can make it. She’s got the “mother-in-law suite” (er, room) all ready.

I’ve been dealing with organizing the immigration visa, the flights, the movers, and the shakers. But my main goal is (again) to make the move as comfortable for her as is possible. We’ve made sure we’ve got all her various necessities lined up.

Now we just have to get on the right planes at the right times.

This shabbat Esther is not content to remain at home; no, she’s going to a different city to be with friends. I, on the other hand, am preparing shabbat at my mother’s. Mom and I will have:
homemade rolls, baked salmon, baked yams, broccoli, maybe something else if I have the energy, and pineapple (sorry, folks; it’s last-week’s pineapple remains).

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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