
Blog/January 2024/Jan 26th

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January 26th Comments or questions? Click here!

I spent a significant portion of the week doing some major IT infrastructure work. My “8th” website had been hosted on Linode, and cost me $ every month regardless of whether or not 8th brought in any money. So I made another server from a Raspberry Pi 3 I had laying around, bought an SSD drive for it (to hold the website), and upgraded the software etc. Then I set up the software for it.

That took some doing, because the Linode site was based on Apache while I wanted to use nginx for the new site (since it’s much more efficient on small machines). Because I’m not familiar with nginx, it was an interesting and challenging learning experience. But in the end, I got it up and running; I subsequently also swapped out my “cloud” server for a Pi 4 with a very large SSD drive.

Now my servers need almost no electricity, and I don’t have to pay extra for the pleasure.


More thoughts from our recent US trip. We went to the grocery store (a number of times) and each time I was bewildered and bemused by the extensive array of crap food for sale. “Pre-cut celery sticks”? I mean, I get that you’re a very important and very busy individual, but how much time does it really take to cut a celery stalk into sticks? And why spend more on dessicated “pre-cut” veggies when you could get better quality for a lot less if you just got regular vegetables and cut them yourself?

I would say more, but I don’t want to get banned…

Anyway, we visited with Sarah and Yarin, which was nice, and a chance for us to get out of the house. That was the full extent of our social life, though, this week.

The weather has been rainy/drizzly and chilly. Temperatures are dropping through shabbat into the next week, where we’re expecting near freezing temperatures mid-week!

Back to the normal, normal. This shabbat’s meals include:
homemade ḥalla, roast lamb, rice, various salatim, and brownies.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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