
Blog/July 2008/Jul 18th

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July 18th (Sorry, no devar torah this week)

Hi again!

I thought last week was hard ... but this week, I spent every day but one working until after midnight, trying to get ready for my upcoming trip to India. I'm so tired I can barely keep my eyes open, but I'll give you a bit of news on the 'goings on'.

First, the house passed the 'test' from the electric company, which means we are now hooked up with "three phase" power instead of "single phase". That's a good thing, since it means we can use more appliances at the same time without flipping breakers, and it also means the electric company can balance the load on its systems more evenly.

Second and more important, we had our first fruit from our trees! Figs, fresh from the tree. Sweet as honey and delicious. The birds get them before we do, but there are enough for both of us. I'm going to have to have a professional gardener here after Rosh Hashanah, to trim the trees properly and take care of them as they should be. Today I picked about a kilo of figs, which we'll be able to enjoy on shabbat.

Third, on Sunday I opened my email to find out that my Mom had been hospitalized on Thursday! By the time I called, she was mostly better -and is back home, B"H. That was a kind of shocking way to start the week. She's fine now - and I wish her a complete and full recovery.

Esther and Daniela spent some quality time while I was toiling. They attended a "comedy night" here in M"A. Then the other day, they went to the Israeli Film Festival (actually it was just 'shorts' - it must have been some other show). So hopefully, when I'm back from India I'll be able to enjoy time with my family as well.

This shabbat we'll be having as guests on of the families which made aliyah last week. Welcome home! These are people who spoke to use before making aliyah, and we didn't scare them off I guess.

The long hours at work were due to the fact that one of our number left the company, and did not do much of the work he was supposed to have done. So we were left 'holding the bag' -- and with deadlines approaching which could mean the end of the company if breached, we've been burning midnight oil. I'll have to let you know next week if we were successful - as of the moment, we only had partial success untangling the spaghetti left us.

That's about it. Until next week,
Shabbat shalom!

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