
Blog/July 2010/July 2nd

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July 2nd (See this week's devar torah)
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Hi again!

The Holy Land never wants for excitement! This week we had a party, a fast day, a love-letter from the bank, payroll problems, a rabbinic conference and end-of-school-for-now.

Sunday led the parade of events with a "final party" for the Maaleh Adummim community aliyah program. "Final", because as of the moment, the program will no longer exist - which is a great shame. The coordinator, Shelley, has done an amazing job making people comfortable in their new home in M"A. In any event, the party featured Benji Lovitt's stand-up comedy, and a cover band for Crosby Stills and Nash called Long Time Gone. It was a bit odd, but fun.

Tuesday was a fast day, so I worked from home rather than endure the 37C heat travelling to and fro. Then I got a phone call from work telling me that payroll would be "late". And since I wasn't suffering enough, we opened our mail and found a love-letter from the bank claiming we had overextended our 'credit line'. They further claimed to have opened an emergency second line for us, and were charging us more fees. So we charged off to the bank, after verifying that we had not ever, in fact, exceeded our limits. When we finally talked to the bank person, she told us there was nothing wrong, and that we "should not read those letters" from the bank (!). What do you say, when the bank tells you to not bother reading their own communications to you?

Daniela has been attempting to conquer the world. No, she's not opening a business or running for high political office -- she's playing a computer simulation where she has to conquer ancient peoples. Last week she was Alexander of Macedon. She's also a Hallah painter. Sarah is finally really done with school -- for now. Sadly, she has not graduated because she still has not done the final exam for gym, and now she won't be able to do that until the next school year. In the meantime, she's getting ready for her upcoming Argentina trip, and preparing herself for the year of sherut leumi starting in the fall.

On Wednesday I attended the tenth yearly conference in commemoration of Rabbi Yosef Kapach. I got to meet up with several of my friends and got to purchase a few books. I also heard talks by R' Yona Metzger, the current Ashkenazic Chief Rabbi, R' Ratzon Arussi, the Chief Rabbi of Kiryat Ono, and R' Eliyahu Zini, the Rabbi of the Technion. It was a nice opportunity to get out and hear something different.

Stuff and nonsense:

This shabbat we've got a nice couple coming over for dinner. On the menu: mullet, hummous, eggplant, Israeli salad, cabbage salad, kohlrabi salad, chicken-veggie soup, schnitzel, sweet potatoes, okra, rice and green beens, pot roast.

Until next week,
Shabbat shalom !

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