
Blog/July 2011/Jul 29th

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Jul 29th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

Hi, again!

Happy aliya-versary to us and our friends the Casdens! Four years ago this coming Sunday we made aliyah (on the secular calendar; two more weeks to go on the Hebrew one). Naturally I've got lots of thoughts on that, including those expressed in this week's devar-Torah. As it happened, another couple had their first aliya-versary this week, and invited Rabbi Nachman Kahana to give a talk, which we attended. The talk was interesting, and we got to meet some friends, and the evening was much cooler than the day had been.

There's no denying we miss our dear friends and family still outside the Land, but through the miracles of modern technology we manage to keep quite up to date on their lives (and we try to keep them updated on ours, through this blog among other things). We are encouraged by the steady trickle of friends who have chosen to "cross the Jordan" and make the Land their primary residence, very encouraged!

For those of you who remain on the "other side", I can offer words of encouragement. Not only is it easier now than it has ever been to make aliyah, but the rewards are beyond compare. Not financial rewards, mind you; although Israel's economy is strong and unemployment is far less than in the US. Not health rewards; although the average life span is longer in Israel than in the US, and the health care system is reasonably priced and very good. Not culinary rewards; though the food here is fresh and amazingly flavorful. Not even aesthetic rewards; even though Israel has incredible vistas and a vibrant artistic and cultural life. No, I'm referring to the unprecedented opportunity to take part in the most important series of events in Jewish history -- the fulfilment of the words of our Prophets. Just read the words of Isaiah and his colleagues regarding the "final redemption" of the Jewish people, and you'll see what I mean. Needless to say that from a Jewish religious standpoint there is no comparison between living in the Land and living in the Exile!

Esther's "only in Israel" moment this week: "I'm at the entrance to the supermarket and get my purse ready to be checked by the guard. He shakes his head so I think 'well, maybe he wants to check my empty shopping bags?'. He shakes his head again. I was puzzled. He looks at me and says: 'drink water, you look dehydrated'".

So please don't take too long in your deliberations. Time is short, and it's only going to become more difficult to leave the old country as the situation there deteriorates. You can make a huge difference to the Jewish people and the world at large -- each of you -- just by being here. Remember the words of Joshua and Caleb: "The land... is an exceeding good land" -- טוֹבָה הָאָרֶץ, מְאֹד מְאֹד!

The friends we mentioned above, our aliyah-mates, will be joining us for shabbat dinner. For the third week in a row, I'll man the grill and give us: grilled chicken, pan-fried burri (mullet) fillets, eggplant salad, quinoa stuffed veggies, chili con carne and various salatim.

Until next week,
shabbat shalom!

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