
Blog/July 2022/Jul 15th

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Jul 15th Comments or questions? Click here!

Our final week (this visit) with the Grands has been as exhausting as the first two, but no complaints! I even lost half a kilo. We had a lot of fun, and are pretty sure they are not yet really pining for the fjords of White Plains.

Esther and I made attempts at working; I believe she was more successful than I was, though I did manage to fix some bugs.

Among the highlights of the week was seeing camels at the Dead Sea, going out for a hamburger lunch in Jerusalem, and visiting the “Biblical Zoo” (not all the same day). I honestly can’t remember everything we all did, but we were very busy all the same…

Strange things are afoot at the :

  • Common Sense: “U.S. Public Health Agencies aren’t ‘following the science’”. Read carefully, if you think giving the COVID jab to your child is warranted.
  • Mallen: Was it “organic madness” that brought down Sri Lanka?
  • Security vulnerabilities in Honda’s “keyless entry” system. Time to invest in a “chastity belt” for my vehicle, I suppose (though I can’t imagine anyone wanting to steal it).
  • An actual headline from MSN: “Homophobic Telescope Reveals First Hi-Res Images of Deep Space”. I’m not sure how they discovered the telescope’s prejudices; perhaps a PhD dissertation is in order?
  • While the West concerns itself with the prejudices of long-deceased NASA administrators, China takes over the world’s “rare-earth metal” supply.
  • Tone-deaf, or just dumb? You decide! FLOTUS compares Hispanics to “breakfast tacos”. To be fair, she makes a more cogent point than anything her husband has said in the past several years…

Naomi did inform us, during one of our dinners this week, that we shouldn’t be drinking wine with the dinner, because “wine is only for shabbat”. The tyke has so much to learn!

During the entire Period of the Grands, the weather was very stable and unremarkable. Low 30s high, reasonable morning temperatures (July has been 1.7C below average, in fact). That is to continue until they leave. After that, we’ve got a heat-wave coming in. Maybe they should stay here? We won’t object too strenuously!

This shabbat’s menu contains:
homemade ḥalla, roasted lamb, sticky chicken wings, shredded brisket, roasted potatoes, coleslaw, various salatim, and cupcakes with sprinkles.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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