
Blog/June 2011/Jun 24th

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Jun 24th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

Hi, again!

In honor of our twenty-fifth anniversary, Esther and I are going on vacation this coming week, but you'll have to wait until next week for details! I can scarcely contain my excitement at taking time off and being out of the office for a few days at a stretch. I also plan on being completely incommunicado, so don't bother trying.

I'm really getting burned out at work. The continuous high-pressure (it's always an emergency situation, and proper planning is unknown) is taking its toll, so the upcoming vacation is most welcome. This past week, I was the company hero (again, for five minutes), since my work on the Android/PC wireless connection was a huge hit with our Big Customer. Presumably that means we'll be making some lucrative deals, though I don't particularly expect to benefit from this. They do pay my bills, however; must keep focused on the important things!

This past week was Esther's birthday (the precise count isn't really important, is it?) so Daniela, Sarah and I prepared a special meal. Truthfully, the girls did most of the work, and I only roasted a chicken... but nevertheless, we all pitched in. After the wonderful meal, we presented Esther with the gift she's been pining after for years: a foot bath/massager. She's pretty easy to please, my wife is, bless her!

This week in Israel:

  • The largest "readiness drill" in the history of the country. Sirens went off (or didn't) across the country, and citizens were expected to go to shelters. Being Israelis, most people ignored the sirens.
  • The Hebrew book week went on as it does every year. We didn't get any books, though.
  • I'm still waging war against the ants. I know where they're coming in, but I have so far been unable to seal off that entrance very effectively. Most disappointing. Next step: get a flamethrower.
  • Israelis discover that we pay twice as much as everyone else in the world. Really, we just figured that out? Where's the so-called "Jewish brain"?!? And to think we control the global economy...
  • We made a shuq run, needing as we did vegetables and fruits and nuts. Yo, Israelis! Did you know that the fruits and vegetables are half as expensive in the shuq? <shrug>

Yes, he can! Obama strongly backs Israel (into the wall), yes he can! This week, he showed his "strong backing" by refusing to allow Jonathan Pollard to attend his father's funeral. I know, I know -- Pollard was a spy, and maybe not a nice guy. But he's served twenty-five years for a crime for which the average sentence is four years. He never had a trial; rather, he made a plea agreement with the US government, which then reneged on the deal and gave him a life sentence. Lest you think Obama is the only bad guy here, the trail of infamy begins with Caspar Weinberger, a truly despicable individual -- and subsequent administrations have been just as vengeful. If Obama really wanted to show some goodwill (fake though it may be), he could commute the sentence and let the guy at least die in peace. Shame on the clown in the White House, and shame on the sheep who still support him!

I speculate that just prior to the presidential elections he will announce a deal to release him; and immediately after he's secured his next term, he'll announce that certain information that was unknown to him before regretfully makes it impossible to release Pollard. Wait and see.

This week we've got a friend staying with us, the daughter of friends from our community in the Olde Country. We're making pollo al carbón, bamia, regular cholent, tuna salad, rice, green bean salad and other delicacies too delicate to mention ('cause I don't know what they are, yet).

Until next week,
shabbat shalom!

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