
Blog/June 2011/Jun 3rd

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Jun 3rd (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

Hi, again!

I love my wife! Not only does she put up with me and laugh at my jokes (no small feat, that!), all while making incredible food and taking care of me -- she is so sweet, she also diverts all the sand flies away from me! Now that is true love!

And on that note, Daniela seems to be even more susceptible to the sand flies, heh, heh. To avoid the flies, she left the house and went touring around with Jeremy this past week. Among other things they went to the beach one day; another day they went on a "crazy hike" on which, according to Daniela, they "almost died". Not to worry, they survived, B"H! That hike was to נחל פרת תחתון, where they saw: יעלים (gazelles), שפנים (hyraxes), lots of fish in the stream, a white heron, Bedouin's donkeys and goats and a billion bugs. It's only twenty minutes from here, farther into the Judean Desert. They mainly returned home to refill their stomachs and catch some z's. It was a pleasant visit, and he's a nice guy; we'll see how things develop from here.

I've been given a new task at work, writing code to help our Windows/Mac/Linux program talk to a version of our program running on Android devices. So I'm concurrently writing code for Android as well as for our normal platforms. And I have less than three weeks to finish and have it ready to show our client... nothing new about that.

Sarah's been taking advantage of the discounts she gets for being in "national service". This week she went to see the Cameri Theatre's production of "Fiddler on the Roof". She said it was really good, but the Hebrew lyrics to all your favorite songs are not very close to the original lyrics. Not surprising, they want them to rhyme.

Geek news-flash: I'm on the verge of getting footnotes working the way I want them to with my xetex macro package. The problem (if you care) is that the regular TeX footnotes cannot be used inside a "box" ... it simply doesn't work. Since my translation project puts the text inside boxes (in order to rigidly control the layout), the regular footnotes don't work, and so I have been using my own methods for calculating how much space is left on the page. The problem is that my methods don't always product good results, and I would much rather have TeX use its own methods. So I've finally got a method which works: keep track of the footnote text separately, and at the end of each "translation box", but outside the box itself, add all the footnotes in the normal manner. This will work, but it will also mean that footnotes may not appear on the page on which they should. Oh well, you can't win 'em all...

We've got a passel of particularly pesky personages this shabbat! Dans le menu: ḥummus, beet salad, red cabbage salad, pea salad, Israeli salad, tomato soup, baked chicken, roasted sweet potatoes, bulgur pilaf, szechuan eggplant and peppers, chocolate cake1, chili, rice, lentil salad, baked נסיכת הנילוס.

Until next week,
shabbat shalom!

1 Daniela's begrudging contribution to the shabbat experience

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