
Blog/June 2015/Jun 19th

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June 19th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

Happy birthday, my love! Esther’s mumble, mumble birthday commenced Thursday at nightfall (יום ו', ב׳ תמוז) and will end Saturday at midnight (20 Jun)… a very short birthday moʿed. So you still have a chance to wish her many returns of the day(s)! In celebration, we’ve got shabbat coming up; and next week we’ll go out in Tel Aviv. She’s still got a good long way to go to catch up to me, though.

This week, Esther’s father and two brothers came from Argentina, and will be staying with us for another week or so. Her father and the older of the two brothers have been to Israel many times, but the younger brother has never been — so we’re trying to be touristy and show everyone a good time. A bit difficult, since both Esther and I still have to go to work, but manageable. Well, we hope so.

Sarah was surprised this week by getting an official communication stating she had fulfilled her quota of “volunteer hours”, and doesn’t need to continue with the “volunteer” work. Those hours are required as a condition of her getting a scholarship, so one may be pardoned for putting the word volunteer in quotes. Anyway, she’s done with that for now, so she’s happy. One more year to go at Maale for her, then hopefully she’ll be able to get a real job in industry.

I was surprised this week (though not terribly so) when the company for which I’m contracting sent an email stating that “payments were delayed”. Second month in a row, and this time it’s a much longer delay. Been there, done that — it’s not the most calming situation to be in; but after all, it’s only money! I need to play the lottery, I think; and find a better client — not necessarily in that order.

A few things:

Esther and her brothers participated in the Jerusalem 5K “night run”. For her birthday, I guess. Anyway they had fun, and I spent the evening all alone, not running at all. Even Sarah abandoned me, preferring to get paid for some kind of work. Not that I’m complaining or anything.

Well. This week we’ve got the über-carnivores from Argentina, as well as our vegetarian daughter Sarah and her vegan friend RivQua. What to make, what to make? We’ll try:
homemade ḥalla, stuffed veggies (veggie/vegan as well as carne), BBQ chicken, stir-fried veggies, Chinese cabbage salad, grandma-Esther’s eggplant, salatim, and birthday-cake.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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