
Blog/June 2016/Jun 10th

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June 10th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

This week the temperatures were mostly quite high, but the heat-wave broke yesterday and now it’s pleasant and supposed to stay that way until the beginning of next week. So our upcoming holiday of shavuʿoth (this coming Sunday) should see us enjoying comfortable weather. One can hope.

The six-legged freaks returned this week, causing my lovely wife to become vengeful towards them. We deployed our chemical weapons as per standard protocol; but alas! the ants are not easily dissuaded from their predation. It will take a few more applications of the holy Chemicals of Destruction before the ants get the message they are unwelcome in our home.

I assume most of you have heard by now about the murderous Arab attack in Tel-Aviv. Really, is there any other kind of Arab attack? You’re probably not aware that the idiot mayor of Tel-Aviv really believes that the murderous Arab mentality is caused by “the Occupation”. He’s apparently unaware that decades before there was an “Occupation”, the Arabs were murdering Jews left and right. Perhaps he watches MSNBC, which reports that it’s Israel’s “extreme right-wing government” that causes Fakestinian frustration. Never mind that there was just as much “frustration” during the first half of this country’s existence, when the gov’t was very “left-wing”. Nor that Arab murder sprees against Jews predated the establishment of the current State of Israel by many decades. But at least the Arabs are happy.

In an “OMG moment”, an Israeli policeman let one of the terrorists into his home and left him there with his wife and family! When he realized what he had done, he returned and subdued the guy. I’ll bet that the cop lost 15 years off his life-span from the shock.

In other items:

I’ve always been an “independent”, politically — never joined any specific party, always voted according to my analysis of the merits of the various candidates. So while I don’t identify as a Republican, I can identify with this man’s angst about the direction the Republicans are moving. My inclination is libertarian: you do what you want and leave me alone, and we can all get along. Unfortunately, today’s Libertarian party consists of a mixed bag of nuts. The Democrats are nominating a sleazy lying criminal. The Republicans will probably nominate an orange-hued boorish demagogue — and if they don’t, they’ll utterly destroy the Republican party (but then, so too will they if they do. Hobson’s choice). There’s a saying that “every nation gets the government it deserves”. If true, the USA is doomed. I prefer Trump over the others, but only in the sense that I would prefer a colonic that didn't contain ground glass.

We released version 16.09 of 8th this week. This version is once again, smaller and faster than its predecessors while adding more utility. We also ended our Indiegogo campaign (with very little result) and have set up a new embedded page on our site to update interested parties. You are more than welcome to contribute! And we’ve almost reached 700 Twitter followers, for what that’s worth.

This shabbat and yom-tov we will, the three of us, enjoy a long rest. B”H! On the menu:
good wine, roasted chicken, homemade ḥalla, tortilla de papas, roasted beets, roasted green beans, roasted yams, salatim, tuna steaks, stuffed veggies, lasagna, postre de vainillas, kaʿakhim, marble cake, and watermelon.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom and ḥag sameaḥ!

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