
Blog/June 2021/Jun 4th

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June 4th Comments or questions? Click here!

We finally have a new government, after a mere four elections. Netanyahu has been removed, Bennett will apparently be PM for the first two years of the new gov’t. Of course, given that the new coalition is bound solely by hatred of Netanyahu, and is composed of parties with very different goals and ideologies, it is unlikely to last even one year. It is also unlikely to accomplish much, given the internal stresses; at least one can hope that’s the case.

As for us? Well, we were quite busy this week. I had my yearly eye-doctor appointment, at which I was informed yet again that I need sunglasses when I’m outside but that otherwise my eyes are fine. I also went for a periodic check “down under”, at which I was informed everything is ship-shape and I don’t have to return for five years. So that was all to the good.

I also took my mom for her periodic visit to the podiatrist, who examined Mom’s bum toe and said it needed stitches. So: stitches she received, and hopefully this long (long!) drawn out toe-ordeal will finally come to some sort of conclusion. I did offer to use my hatchet, but the doctor demurred.

We also finally had friends over for a regular dinner get-together. That was something I’d forgotten was even possible. Despite my antisocial nature, it’s nice to see friends once in a while. Nice for me, anyway.


  • With all the recent revelations from the US government about possible alien sightings, you might want to see what a panel of non-experts has to contribute to the conversation.
  • Amazon devices will soon automatically share your internet with your neighbors. What could possibly go wrong?
  • Google’s (now former) “diversity head” said Jews have an insatiable appetite for war. Really. He should be more concerned with our insatiable appetite for ḥummus.
  • The schnorrers at Wikipedia are rolling in cash. Don’t give them more.
  • TOI reported that the ancient Israelites didn’t primarily eat kosher fish. Well, color me shocked! They apparently didn’t read the Bible, which is jam-packed with our Prophets’ railing against all the non-kosher practices of our fore-fathers, fore-mothers, and fore-siblings. TOI is too depressing to read, to be honest.
  • Science is “going woke”, to the detriment of all. Here’s an article in defense of the universal values of science.

I’ve had some conversations recently with people who seem to be of the opinion that all “religious people” are naïve bumpkins who believe in an Old Man with a Beard who tosses lightning-bolts or something to that effect. It's a bit shocking just how closed-minded and unprepared to try to understand things these folks are. Perhaps next week I’ll start laying out the “what” and “why” of what serious Jews actually believe, as opposed to the fairy-tales people think they do.

We’ve had absolutely spectacular weather this week, and shabbat looks to be shaping up as more of the same!

This shabbat’s menu includes:
homemade ḥalla, meatloaf, mushroom galette, zucchini galette, veggie chilli, rice, tabouleh, Moroccan carrot salad, roasted eggplant, various other salatim, and some kind of dessert.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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