
Blog/June 2024/Jun 14th

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June 14th Comments or questions? Click here!

We exited this past shabbat to hear the amazing news that four of our hostages had been rescued in a dangerous and daring operation. My friend’s take on it was more subdued. The responses to it and reporting about it from “the world” were absolutely shocking; at least, they would be if you hadn’t been paying attention these past months.

As for us, this week’s travails were interrupted by the holiday of shavuot, a welcome respite from “things”. We did an all-dairy holiday this time. Esther made two kinds of ice-cream: her usual “dulce-de-leche” and a new one, “cheese-cake” — which tasted exactly like cheese-cake (less the crust). In addition, we had pan-fried fish for dinner, and lasagna (and guests!) for lunch. A most satisfying holiday, all told.

We worked, occasionally, the rest of the week; though probably not as effectively as we do on non-interrupted weeks.

Think on these, if you will:

You’ll recall from last week that I had successfully digitized VHS tapes. However, I was quite dissatisfied with the quality: they were “jumpy” and a bit fuzzy as well. Eventually, I did figure out a fix for this, and now I have very nice clear and non-jumpy videos, but the file size is huge. So, a question for my techie audience: what options should I give to “ffmpeg” in order to produce a small video (with decent quality)? My current setup is using the libx284 video codec and crf 23, on a 720p input stream. Should I be post-processing somehow?

Regarding zemanim: well, Android is causing me some difficulties, which I hope to rectify this coming week.

The weather was even more toasty this week, which is not happy-making. The main problem is that it’s not been cooling overnight, so the house doesn’t get a chance to cool: it was 31C this morning! Eventually the heat wave will subside, we’ve been assured…

Our menu this shabbat includes:
homemade ḥalla, baked chicken, rice, various salatim, and banana cake.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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