
Blog/March 2013/Mar 29th

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Mar 29th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

Hi, again!

We read in the haggadah just this week, that God passed over the houses of our forefathers in Egypt. That's very true, but the calories did not pass us over!

Though Sunday was still a work day, Monday was not; and it was all about preparations for the holiday. While Esther went to pick up Daniela and Jeremy from the airport, I was taking care of the halakhic preparations. Later they all came back and we started the final preparations. The seder started quite early this year, since we were still on "standard time" -- and it ended earlier than we've ever ended before though we had plenty of questions and didn't skimp on any of the hagaddah!

The first day of ḥol hamo`ed (the intermediate days of the holiday), we went to the Jerusalem Botanical Gardens, which was a very nice outing (though the traffic in and around J"M was very bad). All sorts of people were there, Arabs and Jews alike; and the weather was fantastic.

The second day, we decided to make a road-trip to the extreme north of Israel and go on a tour of the De Karina chocolate factory. I forgot to ask before we went, but it turned out they were indeed kasher lepesaḥ lemehadrin. It would have been most unfortunate if we had gone all that way without being able to partake of the products! Besides the tour and a tasting, we also engaged in a "workshop" where we produced our own chocolates. Not very artistic ones, but then chocolate taste incredible even if it looks bad. After the chocolate factory, we went to the Nimrod Fortress, situated in the foothills of Mt. Hermon. Very beautiful vistas, though a bit difficult to get to.

While we were in the Far North, Sarah went on a very Israeli trip with some of her friends, to the Dead Sea area. She roughed it overnight in a sleeping-bag; we hope she enjoyed herself! Now it's Friday morning, we're getting ready for the upcoming shabbat. Not to mention the last day of pesaḥ, coming up Sunday night. Ay, dios mio!!

This time around we've got Daniela and Jeremy and Jeremy's sister, as well as one of Daniela's friends staying with us. We've got some non-qitinyot eaters, so our menu is varied. It includes:
roasted chicken, rice pilaf, quinoa pilaf, roasted veggies, matboucha, mushroom paté roasted eggplant, ṭeḥina, meatballs, lamb-fava stew and at least a hundred different desserts we've accumulated ...

Until next week,
shabbat shalom and ḥag sameaḥ!

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