
Blog/March 2016/Mar 25th

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Mar 25th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

We hope our dedicated readers, and Jews everywhere, all enjoyed as peaceful and happy a purim as we did. Given the recent events around the world a happy and peaceful purim is not obvious. In Belgium, the purim celebrations were cancelled. As anti-Semitism becomes more and more acceptable and mainstream on college campuses across the US and the world, the fear I feel for my family, friends, and all Jews in America grows daily stronger. It is long past time to get out of the US and come Home: please don’t remain complacent!

When I make these sorts of declarations, I know how our holy prophets probably felt: nobody listens, and the likely becomes inevitable. Just recall that in Ezra and Neḥemia’s time, when the Temple was actually being rebuilt and the Persians permitted Jews to repatriate to Judea, only a small portion — the poor and miserable, mostly — actually took up the offer. At that same time, the story of purim transpired: and all those Jews left in the Persian empire found themselves suddenly at risk of annihilation. This, despite the “friendly” disposition of the Persians.

As our Sages say: “one may not rely on miracles”. The miracle contained in the purim story is not likely to repeat itself in other times and places. Indeed, our history supports that assertion. One day, Jews are at the pinnacle of success in their adopted society. The next day, they are facing harsh decrees and obliteration. History does indeed repeat itself: ours surely has, many times. It is time to wake up and shake off the effects of the lotus.

As for us and our week, it was quiet and productive. Esther went on a roll-baking craze before purim, so we could have some for the “portions” to give out, and for shabbat, and for the upcoming sheva berakhot meal we will host for my nephew Chaim and his soon-to-be (B”H) wife Ariele. Sarah tried to emulate the look of the 1940’s, with hair-curlers (remember those?). It turned out amazingly well.

I’ve got a small contract which I’ve been working on; a bit frustratingly, since the contractees are not well organized. But it is making progress, B”H. And progress as well was made with our 8th product, working towards another release in the next week or so, probably.

The weather has been up and down; for purim it was very pleasant. We’re looking at a cold-front moving in and bringing rain and cold weather for the next few days, which bollixes up my plans to have the sheva berakhot meal outside. Not to worry, we will overcome!

Just us this shabbat:
homemade ḥalla rolls, baked chicken, mushroom soup, stir-fried veggies, fried tofu, salatim, and random remnants from purim.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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