
Blog/March 2018/Mar 23rd

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Mar 23rd

This time around we combined business with pleasure. Or, at least, business with chores.

Last year, I made soft homemade maṣoth for the first time (no, I don’t have a tandoori oven…). They were delicious and everyone liked them; and I am determined to repeat the performance this year. The person who got the special flour for me last year didn’t come through this time; and with the holiday fast approaching, I had to get the proper flour right quick. No pressure!

Since I had to go to my client’s office on Sunday, in Rishon LeZion, Esther told me I should combine that with my search for flour. I had found a small mill with the right kind of flour, in Ḥadera. So after I spent several hours at my client’s place, I drove up to Ḥadera (about an hour away from where I was) and in 15 minutes got all the flour I needed (for a good price, as well). Then I returned home (about 2 hrs). It was a very long, but productive, day.

Whole-wheat (as well as whole-spelt), freshly-milled, stone-ground, organic, locally-sourced flour. I think we’ll become long-term customers of the mill!

Last year, Daniela and Jeremy assisted with the maṣa preparation; but since they won’t be here this year (sad!), we’re taking advantage of some of our seder guests to prepare the pesaḥ bread. I’ll try to get some pictures in before the holiday. No pressure!

We spent a lot of time (and money, and effort; not necessarily in that order) getting supplies (wine, meat, etc.) this week. Again, in preparation for the holiday which will be next shabbat. The kitchen will be prepared this coming Tuesday (most likely), and we need to get rid of the non-pesaḥ stuff that remains. No pressure!

Of varied interest:

I spent a fruitful week on work-related issues. My client wanted the thing I was working on by Tuesday. It was handed to him before the deadline, with detailed instructions. As of Friday morning (the actual deadline), he hasn’t, in fact, tested what I sent. Sad!

The forecast is for us to have at least one, and possibly two, dusty pre-pesaḥ heat-waves before the holiday. That’s the reason I don’t wash the car, folks! Anyway, after today’s high of 30C or so, it’s going to be 20C tomorrow, and we may have rain mid-week. Muddy rain, no doubt; which is why I won’t wash the car until Thursday…

The three of us are having a quiet shabbat this week. On the menu:
albóndigas de carne, turkey neck (for Mom…), salatim, fruit, and brownies (gotta get rid of the old flour this week!).

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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