
Blog/March 2020/Mar 20th

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March 20th Comments or questions? Click here!

We enjoyed my father-in-law’s company, but sent him back to Argentina on Tuesday evening. He arrived safely, but complained of a terrible trip and was weak and in pain. He was taken to the hospital, where he was placed in the ICU. He’s still there, on dialysis (as of the last update we got). Deep-vein thrombosis led to blood clots lodging in his lungs, and he’s battling for his life.

Please add Avraham ben Esther to your prayers.

Of course the other big news this week is “coronavirus”. Here in the Land, we’ve gone from restriction to restriction, but yesterday the government issued a “stay at home” order, backed by the police. It’s getting serious. Basically, the country is shut-down for the duration.

So: no leaving home except for essential activities (medical, food shopping, work if you must). No gatherings of more than ten people. Almost all stores closed. All recreational venues closed.

Our synagogue sent out a message that for the first time in over thirty years, it will be closed and remain closed until further notice.

Esther’s working from home, which is a novelty. I’ve been doing that for years now, so no change for me. Her company “reduced workforce”. So did Sarah’s: she’s now “on unpaid leave” for the duration, along with several hundred-thousand other Israelis.

Even if the virus threat is over tomorrow, the economic impact is going to be incredibly huge. I don’t recall anything like this economic “shut down” during my lifetime.

In the meantime, Daniela and Jeremy and the twins made their escape from NY, anticipating that there would be a general closure there. Instead, they’re heading to his parents’ home in Baltimore, whose mayor begged residents to stop shooting each other so there would be enough hospital beds.

It’s like we’re living in a Mad Max world…

So we’re going to have yet another “in-shabbat”. That’s going to be the new normal going forward, it seems. The weather has been rainy and cold the past few days, and it’s supposed to continue rainy through shabbat. We hope the rains wash away the pestilence and bring sunshine and hope in their wake, amen!

This shabbat it’ll just be the three of us. We’ll have:
homemade pita, mushroom soup, pomegranate chicken, lemon-garlic roasted potatoes, steamed broccoli, veggie cholent, tuna salad, various salatim, and some kind of dessert.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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