
Blog/March 2023/Mar 31st

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Mar 31st Comments or questions? Click here!

This time around we were mostly busy working and gradually getting things ready for pesaḥ. The kitchen hasn’t yet been converted over, that’s for next week — so we’ll still have ḥalla for shabbat this week.

One of the tasks was to get the garden into shape — or, at least, out of bad shape. The weather over the past several weeks was too wet (fortunately!) to really do any gardening. Yes, I know: people in England and Seattle and other drenched places do gardening in the rain. We don’t, so there!

Anyway, one day I did the gardening a touch too aggressively and hurt myself. Fortunately, it wasn’t serious and the next day I was mostly fine. On that note, Esther’s been taking the meds for her shoulder, and seems to be a lot better. Now, if only I can keep her from over-exerting herself…

Everything was normal until one morning one of my molars cracked. I called a dentist, but he didn’t have an appointment until next week; so I called another, and got in the next day. Apparently, I’d cracked the tooth some time ago, but my granola snack dislodged the cracked bit. Granola is evil.

Various matters:

Even though there is quite a lot of preparation to do for pesaḥ, it’s my favorite holiday. This coming Wednesday (ʿerev pesaḥ), we’ll prepare the “soft matzah” we’ve been making for several years. It’s a time-sensitive and exacting process, but the results are really well worth it. It helps that Esther and I work together as a finely-honed baking machine.

The weather was pleasantly cool most of the week, a bit of drizzle one day. It’ll be cooler than average over shabbat, but we’ll looking at a heat-wave toward pesaḥ.

This shabbat, the menu has:
homemade ḥalla, meat and potatoes, baked yams, pasta pesto, roasted vegetables, various salatim, and marble-cake

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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