
Blog/May 2010/May 21st

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May 21st (See this week's devar torah)
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Hi again!

This week we celebrated Shavuot, the commemoration of the giving of the Torah at Sinai. Our neighbors invited us over for a traditional dairy dinner; where among other things we were exposed for the first time to an extraordinary Australian delight, sticky date pudding. During the day we had some friends over, and made a barbecue of chicken breasts, beef ribs and lamb quarter. While the BBQ was heating and the food was cooking, we passed the time with homemade ice-cream and pleasant conversation.

Sarah is still taking her series of final exams. She is really looking forward to them ending in a couple weeks. Then she's going to have some of her friends from ye Olde Country visit during the summer. Daniela is finishing up her finals, and B"H will be here for next shabbat! We're getting excited just thinking about it!

Also exciting, though not in a good way, was my latest experience with the Israeli Income Tax Authority. I mentioned previously, that towards the end of last year I filed a form to get a tax refund, which they gave me. Unfortunately, they put the wrong employer name on the form -- so I couldn't actually get the refund. When I complained, they said there was nothing they could do at the moment. I would have to send in some more papers (year-end tax documents) when I got them, along with a cover letter explaining the issue, and I would get my refund re-issued.

I finally did that about two weeks ago (when I had received all my year-end tax documents). Then yesterday I got a letter back from them saying that I have to fill out some other form, and show up at their office in person. AAAAARRGGGGGH!

Tech Corner:

At work I'm porting our application to Linux. Since our clients want us to support the Ubuntu Linux distribution, I decided to move my machines from Frugalware (which I've used for years) to the latest Ubuntu. Guess what? I really like it! Works great with all the machines I've tried it on including laptops, "out of the box". Printers are supported well, and it's easier to install than Windows and easy to use. Oh, and it's free. Highly recommended for all of you who are not yet on the Linux bandwagon.

In other tech news, this week saw a great deal of progress on my Reva Forth. Most of that was due to a fan (yes, I have fans) who has contributed quite a bit of brainpower and effort to the cause. I also got to test firsthand the merging capabilities of the Fossil SCM.

Rants and Raves:

A small segment of the religious community in Israel has created a חילול השם (desecration of God's name) by protesting the disinterrment of long-dead idolaters. The back story is that a hospital in Ashkelon, because it is in-range of the "peace offerings" of our Gazan nemesis, decided to build a reinforced area which would be missile-proof. While excavating the site for the new area, they uncovered 2000 year old bones. Nothing being simple here in the Land, the hospital had to get the government agencies who deal with such matters involved, and secured permission to have the bones moved elsewhere. At which point, said small segment of the religious community started protesting vehemently about the sanctity of their forefathers' graves. It happens that the bones do not belong to their forefathers -- unless the protesters are Roman centurion's offspring (which could indeed be the case). Just this week they uncovered a pagan altar interred with the bones!

However, all that is beside the point -- which is that normative Jewish law does permit the relocation of remains. Especially non-Jewish remains. And particularly in light of an imminent and real danger to living Jews. But worse than this is the true desecration of His name which occurs when the Israeli secular press delights in crowing about how primitive and repulsive religious Jews are. These "religious" protesters will have a lot to answer for this Yom Kippur.

Odds and ends:


This week's a simple shabbat, just three of us. The menu includes: baked chicken, yummy chicken soup, leftover lamb lumps, homemade techina, matboucha, quinoa salad, beet salad, eggplant, watermelon.

Until next week,
Shabbat shalom!

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