
Blog/May 2011/May 20th

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May 20th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

Hi, again!

Well, the big news this week is the King's speech. He graciously deigned to spread his wisdom to the unwashed masses of the middle east, who were heretofore in an unenlightened state. We are all unworthy to receive this boon from him, but I would like to reciprocate.

In that vein, here is my modest proposal in the interest of peace: I call on Obama to make some tough sacrifices. For too long the cycle of violence has persisted, causing many deaths in the narco-wars, and exploitation of the weak and powerless. Therefore Obama must return the USA to the borders of 1845: giving Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and California back to Mexico -- from which these lands were egregiously stolen. In exchange, the USA will be given Tijuana and Cancun. That's fair, and in the interest of peace!

Our own golden boy Netanyahu makes his response. At least that's what he is saying now -- though once he gets the screws turned on him by his sugar-daddy O'bama, I doubt he'll stay the course. Our so-called "right wing" politicians here have the unfortunate tendency to turn ever leftwards once they've ascended to the top.

There's a famous line from the movie A Few Good Men: "you can't handle the truth!" The unfortunate fact is that the truth is as far away from being of interest to the "powers that be" as is the proof of Fermat's last theorem. The truth is that there is no such people as the "Palestinians", nor has there ever been (prior to their invention out of whole cloth in the 1960s, that is). The truth is that these "Palestinians" have no desire whatsoever to have their own country -- if they did, they would have had one decades ago. The truth is that their only desire is for wholesale slaughter of the Jews, and a resumption of the Caliphate. Actually, that's a part-truth: the Arab Christians don't truly want that, but they are such an oppressed minority in the Arab Muslim majority that they dare not voice any objections... because -- truth again! -- members of the Religion of Peace™ will slaughter them as well, for objecting. And the Obummer really thinks that "negotiations" once Israel has withdrawn to indefensible borders will lead to "peace". The truth once more: it will lead to "peace", as defined by Islam, but not as defined by sane people.

Sorry for the diatribe. We return now to our regularly scheduled program...

In just a few days, Daniela will be arriving -- and all of us are really, really excited! We're in the process of figuring out exactly what we're going to be doing the first week, while her boyfriend is here. Should be interesting...

I mentioned last week that Sarah was to start a new (additional) job this week. She started working this week, and everyone in the hospital where she's helping thinks she's Russian. They ask her, in Russian, if she speaks Russian... and she has to inform them that she only knows how to say "I want an apple" and a few more phrases. Maybe she'll pick up more Russian while she's there, who knows?

Yesterday Esther went to the shuq to buy some things for shabbat, and was at one of the greengrocers, when she heard a man excitedly saying shamir, shamir (that means "dill", "dill"). So she told the man, "the shamir is over there", pointing. Then the guy laughed and said he was talking about Yitzhak Shamir.

This shabbat we're eating dinner at a friend's house, but for lunch we're having seven people over (and there are two seminary girls staying in our house but apparently not eating with us). For lunch we're doing a simple slow-roasted chicken, rice pilaf, zucchini kugel, beet salad, carrot salad, eggplant salad, ḥummus and cake.

Until next week,
shabbat shalom!

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