
Blog/May 2014/May 9th

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May 9th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

Hi, again!

The weather was crazy this week: it started and stayed very hot and dusty until Wednesday night, when it turned cooler and rain began to fall. It continued raining all night long and turned cold. As I’m writing this, the weather is absolutely fantastic — cool, with clear skies and no dust in the air. Simply wonderful!

Regardless of the weather, Esther and I were quite busy this week. The national holiday of yom ha’aṣmaut (Independence Day) is a Big Deal here, though we did not in fact do our traditional BBQ because we were worn out and the weather was threatening. We did have a nice meal, but cooked indoors. However, we missed the ḥidon hatanakh which we normally enjoy, attending our cousin’s brit-milah instead.

The business has kept us busy on a number of fronts. First, I’ve been working on our product itself. I looked into licensing a GUI library, but they wanted $8,300 for the license... so no-go. Esther is working on the application for funding from the Chief Scientist of Israel, which will help us considerably if we’re approved. We started working on a marketing plan and materials (which is something neither of us know anything about). We also worked on fleshing out a schedule for finalizing the development of the first release.

Additionally, we purchased an external server and have contracted to have a professional-quality web-site made for our product. I also upgraded my web-servers to have “perfect forward secrecy”, which means that a secure (SSL, e.g. “https”) connection is much more secure. And finally, we interviewed and hired a junior programmer who will be joining us soon B”H to help with the development. This is not the guy I mentioned last week, but rather the sister of one of my former co-workers. So things are getting pretty hectic!

Various and sundry topics for consideration:

We’re looking forward to a calm and peaceful shabbat, with pleasant weather and good company. We’ll resume the treadmill soon enough…

This week Dinah will be staying with us, though she won’t join us for our dinner-out with our friends. For the rest of the meals, we’ll have a dairy shabbat:
lentil soup, baked pasta with cheese, Greek salad, salatim, and cake (or something, TBD).

Until next week,
shabbat shalom!

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