
Blog/May 2016/May 20th

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May 20th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

It was a hectic week! We started off by counting down to Esther’s imminent return from Buenos Aires; then we retrieved her from the airport on Monday. She had a good trip, visiting her family and friends; but as always, it’s good to be home again. At least, Sarah and I are very happy she’s back!

She returned from the cool southern climes to a blistering Mediterranean heat-wave. The temperatures here exceeded 40C (104F) in the late-afternoon, and only went down to 27C at night (80F), so there was little relief. Fortunately for her (and us), our A/C actually seems to have been fixed — at least, it worked as expected, and we stayed inside. On Wednesday the temperatures fell back to the normal range (25C/14C), and now it’s very pleasant and scheduled to remain that way, mostly.

She also came bearing a few gifts. One such was the 16oz (almost half a liter!) mug from “Starbucks” from which I’m drinking my morning coffee. It’s really too big for comfort — a pint of coffee is a bit heavy to hold in one hand — and it cools down too much before I’ve reached the end. I do appreciate the thought, though. And it really is a nicely made mug.

Esther was (not!) excited to get back to work the instant she arrived. So the very next day after her arrival, she was back in the office, jet-lagged and all. Fortunately for her, she didn’t have to deal with too much excitement there, and she only had to put in one day of work… which is one day more than I would have put in… but she’s more dedicated than I am.

As our embedded-8th project moves forward, we realize that we need to obtain a wider user-base. So we contacted a number of publishers of embedded-systems magazines this week, asking about advertising costs. Each of them expressed the opinion that our e8th would be very interesting to their readers, and each offered to help in some way. One of them even sent our information to a development-head at Texas Instruments (a major manufacturer of electronics). The advertising costs are not small, but the help offered and their enthusiasm were very encouraging. We’ve had little success with the “social networks” (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.), they are far too general an audience. So we think that by narrowing our focus, our advertising will be much more effective.

We are still awaiting word from the various and sundry people and companies from whom we’re awaiting word. It’s a bit frustrating, but that’s how it is. In the meantime, we continue making contacts and looking for corporate sponsors. We also made another release of 8th. Things are starting to gel.

Sarah and I are very excited to have Esther’s cooking once again this shabbat! On the menu:
2009 Herzberg “Côteaux de Sitrya”, home-made ḥalla, ḥumus, loquat chicken, butternut squash soup, baked potatoes, green beans, stir-fried veggies, rice, veggie cholent, salatim, and an assortment of (pareve) Argentinian cookies.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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