
Blog/May 2020/May 15th

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May 15th Comments or questions? Click here!

Our restrictions are easing, slowly; Sarah resumed work this week. Though it’s hard to tell if the lack of customers was due to the lockdown or just because her store doesn’t get many customers at the best of times!

So we have a government, only just not yet. Unsurprisingly to those of us naturally cynical, Bibi screwed over the right-wing and managed to break up Yamina (or, at least, sideline them). As a result, the new government will be a left-leaning one. Of course, the NYT will still report that Bibi’s a “far-right extremist”. What is true, is that it’s the largest government Israel’s ever had, and thus the most costly. Just what we need, truly.

Well, I for one am shocked, shocked! that Bibi would turn to the Left just to keep his seat!

In other news: we did enjoy an excellent “spring”, with pleasant weather and lots of rain. The switch was flipped this week, however, with the start of a major heat-wave. Temperatures are expected to go into the high 30s (over 100F) for a portion of the week to come. Bah, humbug!

Around the bend:

I’ve been working on a bunch of things at the same time, with my primary contract taking up the most effort. It would be nice if there were a clear plan there to work from, but I do get paid by the hour so I shouldn’t complain. Anyway, I’ve been rediscovering my extreme dislike of PHP: its inconsistencies are maddening. I’m seriously considering moving the PHP portion of that project to 8th, which I’m already using as a test-bed for the API I’ve been developing and for utilities.

I know, I know! 8th is a fringe language. But it’s my fringe language, and it’s a beauty! Also, it’s consistent, reliable, and faster than PHP. It’s just not anywhere near as popular as PHP, which is a consideration…

The weather’s frightfully hot. 27C this morning when it’s normally 17C in the summer. Going up to 37C this afternoon in Jerusalem, probably 40C here. Yikes! I think “gin and tonic” should be on the menu for shabbat!

Well, this shabbat we’ll have:
homemade sourdough ḥalla, roast beef, sticky wings, rice, various salatim, and brownies.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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