
Blog/May 2020/May 1st

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Happy “May Day”, or as we say: ¡feliz cumpleaños a ti, Amanda!

We’re back in the normal grind now; or rather, the normal quarantined grind. It’s the same for me, mostly; but now Esther is driving to work just once a week, and working from home the remaining days. I like it!

I took Mom to get her periodic eye-treatment. We hadn’t done that for a while because of the whole virus-thing, but it’s not something that can be indefinitely delayed. So we went: and to my great astonishment, they took her first and we were out of there in an hour. Normally it’s several hours. So there’s some advantage to being very elderly during a pandemic!

Since we’re now required to wear masks in public, Esther sewed up some for us to use. Don’t I look grand?

The modern State of Israel celebrated its 72nd birthday this week. I posted what I thought was an obviously humorous “halakhic question” as to whether or not one could fulfill the obligations of the day by eating falafel rather than grilled meat. I shouldn’t have been surprised that someone took it seriously. People!

Various and sundry:

I made another release of 8th this week. Mostly fixes and some enhancements: and so far, hardly any bug reports on it, so that’s a relief. The most pressing issue is actually how “large fonts” are handled. The Nuklear library I use for drawing on the screen doesn’t work efficiently when a font has lots of characters, e.g. Chinese. So I’m working out how to make that more efficient.

The weather’s been really nice. Not hot, not cold, “just right”. It’s supposed to stay nice for the next several days, perhaps with rain around mid-week.

Our shabbat menu this week consists (at least partially) of:
homemade ḥalla, Moroccan lemon-and-olive chicken, Persian rice, carrot kugel, various salatim, and fresh fruit salad.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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