
Blog/November 2012/Nov 30th

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Nov 30th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

Hi, again!

Getting poked for blood samples isn't too much fun. Both I and my mother got "poked" this week. I simply had my usual periodic blood work-up. Everything's fine, B"H, but it clearly showed I haven't been good about exercising. My mother had had a cold, which got worse; she went into the ER and got poked and prodded, and they decided she has pneumonia. She's back home now, taking antibiotics -- if you want to add her to your "get well" prayer lists, her name is Ḥanah Raḥel bat Flora.

The Israeli political scene became even more entertaining this week, with the addition of a new political party. Yes, Tzipi Livni officially threw her hat into the ring, and formed a new party called ... The Movement. It's not as funny sounding in Hebrew, but still... "The Movement"? Lack of imagination, at the very least; but it goes along with her lack of principles. Speaking of which, we were given the unparalleled treat of being informed that Ehud Barak is leaving politics. ברוך שפטרנו! He will not be missed.

Additionally, the Likud (Netanyahu's party) held its primaries this week, and voted in a much more "right-wing" list, to the utter dismay of those on the Israeli political left. Though the list is much more "right wing", in that most of the appeasers and wafflers were given lower placement, the top of the list remains Netanyahu -- whose spine is so flexible, he can kiss his own behind. So I don't think this "rightward tilt" of the Likud will have any immediate consequences, though it does perhaps bode well for the future. Those on the Left decry the "extreme" character of the list. That is mainly a function of them being completely out of sync with what the majority of Israelis think, as exemplified by the Likud being the biggest party, and the new makeup of its list.

What else? Oh well, yesterday the United Neer-do-wells voted to give the PLO observer status. The PLO (a.k.a. the "Palestinian Authority" and also cynically known as our "Peace Partners") can't even manage the areas under its own control. Various and sundry have stated that this is a "win for peace", ignoring that by taking unilateral action the PA/PLO has violated the supposed basis for a peace agreement, the Oslo Accords. Of course, they have repeatedly violated them (by encouraging and perpetrating terrorism, inciting against Israel and many other things) but since they are Arabs, they get a "free pass".

Why, just yesterday a PA Arab tried to commit a terrorist act in our fair city of Maale Adummim! I noticed it because I was on the way to the gym and saw that traffic was stopped (there's usually very little traffic on that street). The police had sealed off the city, while the sapper squad was brought in to examine the car this partner-for-peace was driving. And why did he want to commit mayhem in our fair town? Because this was how he could resolve a dispute with a fellow Arab in our neighboring Arab city of Azaria. These are the kind of people we are being asked to "make peace" with. Please keep that in mind.

As far as the medical stuff goes -- as I said, it was apparent from my blood work-up that I haven't been exercising. Of course, I knew that already -- but it's impressive how the blood chemistry tells all! So we (Esther and I) rejoined the gym this week, which is what led to my noticing the event I mentioned above. I am taking my friend and teacher Shelomo's advice, and doing "super-slow" exercises as well as increasing my walking. I should see positive results pretty soon.

This shabbat one of Sarah's best friends will be staying with us. She and we will enjoy: chicken soup, baked whole denis fish, beef stew, rice, salatim, slow-roasted chicken, and chocolate-chip cookies.

Until next week,
shabbat shalom!

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