
Blog/November 2013/Nov 15th

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Nov 15th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

Hi, again!

A busy week once again. This time I went for my “CT” scan on Sunday morning, to which Esther kindly drove me. It didn’t take very long before we were back home, but I won’t know the results until this coming week — I’ll let you know, don’t worry. In other medical news, I started taking “turmeric tablets” to try to alleviate my joint pain. There have been studies saying turmeric (actually) works for this sort of thing, but you need to ingest a lot of (raw) turmeric, and it’s a hard spice to “get down” in quantities. So there’s these tablets which only contain turmeric’s active ingredient, along with pepper extract which activates the turmeric. I’ll give the experiment a month and let you know if I see any improvement.

Sarah filmed her first assignment, at the beach. It was a grueling assignment, that one. The actually tough part was coming home, which took her three hours though it shouldn’t have been much more than an hour. Bad traffic, you know? Other than that, she’s been very busy with school as she was last year; we don’t expect to see much of her excepting shabbat

Esther has been fulfilling her rôle as CEO of Aaron High Tech, Ltd. by taking care of lots of accounting work (with our CPA), and making sure we got our first payroll. Very exciting! Now all we need to do is develop a few new clients and we’ll be “golden”.

This past week I noticed that my laptop was not working as it should. Specifically, it was “dropping packets”, meaning that internet connections were much slower than they should have been, and were disconnecting without good reason. Well, I eventually figured out that there was a good reason: the built-in wireless card in my laptop had gone bad. So I replaced it with a “plug-in” USB wireless adapter (looks like a USB memory stick), and now my wireless is better than it was. I know you don’t care, but it was an interesting bit of diagnosing I had to do to figure it out. Oddly enough, Esther’s laptop was also experiencing similar issues, and we’re trying to figure out if it’s the same problem or not.

And Esther’s been trying to get used to the iPad. Let me say that Apple just ain’t like other folks. The hardware is spectacular, but the user-interface is very different (and not intuitive). Or perhaps it just seems like that once you’ve been using the kinds of computers 95% of the world uses. Anyway, she and I have both been working with Apple products a bit. In her case, getting used to the way they work; in my case, trying to get 8th compiling and running on OS/X.

This week, I started porting 8th to Windows and OS/X — or trying to at any rate — and the 32 vs 64-bit variants of same. There are some issues which still need to be worked out, but the progress is good. I also had to finish up a “financial model” for our consultant; actually, just plugging in “real” numbers where he had made random assumptions. The forecast is for a somewhat lean year in 2014, followed by much milk and honey. Let us hope the forecast is not too far off. Basically, I have to work a whole lot, but I knew that going in.

What else?

It looks like it’s open season on Jews now in the US. Long past time for all my fellow Jews to return home, even if Liberman has been reinstated as Foreign Minister! The health-system here actually works (at less than half the cost of the USA’s version), we have some of the best schools in the world, and beside’s all that… it’s our Land.

We’ve got some friends coming over for dinner this week. We’ll treat them to:
zucchini soup, barbecued lamb, barbecued chicken, chard-mushroom pashtida, onion red-pepper pashtida, stuffed tomatoes, roasted potatoes, beet salad, cabbage salad, fruit and banana-chocolate-chip cake.

Until next week,
shabbat shalom!

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