
Blog/November 2014/Nov 28th

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November 28th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

Hi, again!

A considerably better week than last week; and much, much wetter! The rain ran for three days, and many parts of the Land (from the center and northward) got a very heavy dousing. Even here on the edge of the Judean Desert we had a lot of rain, which only ceased last night. Now it’s bright and shiny, and the forecast calls for continued on-and-off sun and mostly dry weather this coming week.

As has been our custom over the past year or so, we’ve been heads-down in work. This week we made the second release of our beta2 of 8th. We’ve been looking at different marketing and business-development strategies as we close in on the first commercial release, and it looks like we’re going to be using a multi-pronged approach. We’ll give more details as we make our decisions. In the meantime, we’re working hard to finish the missing bits and get things packaged up nicely.

Sarah’s been busy with school and “volunteering” work. She was able to make good use of all her boots and scarves and coats this week. Esther’s been knitting like a woman possessed: I think we might need to buy stock in a yarn supply company.

Since we were sequestered inside our house all week due to inclement weather, we don’t have a whole lot to report. So on that note…

This week Esther and I are alone, mostly. We do have guests for dinner, however. This time around the menu includes:
curried lentil soup, lamb roulade, roasted chicken, roasted veggies, rosemary potatoes, salatim, and fruit .

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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