
Blog/November 2017/Nov 3rd

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November 3rd

Another fun-filled week at Aaron Manor!

We’re still preparing ourselves for our upcoming (very! soon!!) trip to the Olde Country. If you’re interested in seeing either of us (or both of us), and you’ll be in NY next week or SEA the week after, contact us and we’ll try to work out something.

In preparation for this journey, we went to see the Moscow Circus. Believe it or not, they are on a tour and one of their stops was our very own town of Maale Adummim!

According to my mother, we did go to see the circus when I was a little kid; but I don’t remember that at all. However, I do remember seeing the Cirque du Soleil back in Seattle a good while ago, and I also remember seeing a “circus” at Circus Circus in Las Vegas, even longer ago, when my hair was still dark and luxurious.

I’m not a fan of circuses.

My intelligent-half, on the other hand, has very fond memories of going to see the “Moscow Circus” when she was a kid in Buenos Aires. I guess the circus gets around. Anyway, she got all excited about seeing the circus again, and since I am a dutiful husband, I acquiesced. As I do. Her wheedling was made more effective by the fact that we didn’t have to go very far. Just sayin’.

So we saw the “Moscow Circus” (for half-price!) right here in our own town, just five minutes from our home. And despite my initial misgivings, I did enjoy the show… until the very end, when one of the acrobatic performers missed his timing and hit his head, and was laid-out cold. We heard the kids around us asking, “is he dead?”. The ambulance whisked him off (presumably, to the hospital). Later we heard our Vice-Mayor (Boris, who was instrumental in getting the MC to come to our town) say that the performer is fine and will probably resume performing in the next day or two.

I can just see the kids now, begging their parents, “No! Pleeeease don’t send me to the circus!”.

In other news:

The weather has been pleasantly Fall-like, and we got some rain here in the desert. May it continue!

This shabbat my nephew and his wife and child will be joining us, as well as a “plus-one”. We’ll serve them:
homemade ḥallah, baked chicken, chicken stir-fry, potato kugel, zucchini kugel, garlicky green beans, beet salad, radish salad, roast beef, various salatim, and chocolate birthday-cake.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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