
Blog/October 2009/Oct 2nd

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Oct 2nd (See this week's devar torah)
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Hi again!

A short blog for this week, since it was a short week (because of yom hakippurim) and we are rushing to finish preparations for tonight, which is shabbat as well as the festival of sukkot.

Yom hakippurim was sunday-night through monday, and was pretty much the same as it is every year. The public "repetition" of the amidah is, in Ashkenazi tradition, filled with all sorts of extra stuff ("extra" as in "extraneous", and "not required"). So much so, that what would take only twenty minutes without the additions, becomes anywhere from an hour and a half to two or so hours. I'm not going to Ashkenazi services next year, please God -- I'll go back to the Temanim for the high-holidays.

Anyway, Esther came to some of the services -- though it was almost a half-hour walk for her. She's getting better, slowly; but much physical exertion is still beyond her at this point.

Notwithstanding that, she has toiled to produce a nice holiday meal for tonight, with our help. The menu? Glad you asked:

  • kibbeh
  • stuffed vegetables
  • baked fish w/ tomatoes
  • hummous, tehina etc.
  • beet salad, cabbage salad, eggplant salad
  • apple cake
  • honey cake
  • homemade sorbets (plum, and orange-mint)

The day before yom hakippurim, I got the sukkah ready. That involved not only erecting the frame (not a big task), but trimming the olive trees so the "roof" of our sukkah is not obstructed (that was a BIG task). But B"H, the sukkah is ready and electrified, ready for dinner tonight. I can't wait!

Survey of events in the middle-East:

  • Jews being provocative again by getting stoned by Arabs.
  • Only Muslims are permitted access to the Temple Mount, to our enduring shame.
  • Regardless of reality, our Left Wing (tm) really does believe peace is possible with the likes of Hamas.
  • Gaddafi and Chavez sign anti-terror agreement. No comment necessary on that, I think...
  • Egyptian archaeologist finds Joseph-era coins. There are several problems with this story, not least of which is that "Joseph's name" in "Egyptian" is listed as "Saba Sabani" -- which is definitely not Egyptian, is not what the Torah says (not even close), and sounds to me like Aramaic. It would be cool if it were true, though.

Have to take the eggplant out of the oven now, and finish cooking the other items on the menu... so

Until next week,
Shabbat shalom and Hag sameaH!
שבת שלום וחג שמח!

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